
Whats the strangest thing your child has said to you?

by  |  earlier

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kids always say really random stuff and some conversations are so surreal. mine often make me wonder if im on the same planet as them!




  1. my youngest said to my sister when they were passing the local hospital my dads been in there and soon grandads going in to have his hermica done(hernia)he also asked me for panther on toast(pate)!!my eldest son when he was little said  once my socks are hot and when we looked he had peed himself!!my youngest also asked recently how do you pay for a trampoline in the shops!!he knows about the scanners but couldnt see how you got the trampoline on a conveyor belt!!

  2. well, my son cant talk yet... but here's something my nephew said.

    my sister in law asked him, " how did daddy know if the baby kittens where boys or girls?" and he said" daddy picked them up and looked underneath. i think it's stamped on the butt"

    haha it was so funny. i almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard. he is 3, btw

    also this happend on a family trip. we were driving on the highway when my nine year old sister says " look! that car is from another country!!"(( the steering wheel was on the wrong side)) and we were all excited and wanted to see and we're like which one!? and she goes " the one that says. U.S. mail!!"

  3. once when i was  in mac donalds with my daughter she said to me"why does that man keep asking for bigger shoes".  "what man" i said .  and she pointed outside to the big issue seller.  bless her heart.

  4. My daughter is 5 and a real nutcase!!  She told me in the car the other day that they are learning about healthy eating at school and about what they should and shouldn't be eating.  She told me she's going to cut back on stuff she shouldn't be eating - like bogeys and finger nails!!!  Lovely...

    And then there was a time that we were in the park and saw a really short man.  He obviously had some kind of growth disorder and was getting on a bit - and my daughter shouted 'WOW!!!!!  AN UMPA-LUMPA!'

    That took some apologising.... :oS

  5. My son asked me what age I was. When I asked what age he thought I was he replied "Let me see your knickers". Puzzled, I asked why. He replied "Duh, because your age is on the label" Hahaha, quite clever actually. He asked me why pennies were round and how the moon stayed up in the sky, how do you answer that?

  6. hahahahaha! I hear ya! I can't think of something that they have said to me right now at this minute, but I can tell you that they have come up with the craziest stuff! My husband and I often just look at each other dumbfounded because we don't know what they are even thinking...and sometimes we just dont' understand what they are even talking about! lol!

  7. My Daughter at 4 (she is 9 now) seen me getting out of the shower and asked me why my booty jiggles like my belly? Hahaha... try answering that one with a straight face.

    When she was in the 1st grade I went to her x-mas party at school and her teacher pulled me aside with a smile. She said Ariel is so funny. She asked " is it true you get brown cirlcles under your eyes when you dont get enough sleep"? Her teacher said yes I suppose thats true. So my daughter told her Well you must never get any sleep... She couldnt help but laugh she was 7 at the time.

  8. Can't think of anything at the moment but am sure he has said some really weird things. The other day he heard his dad say to me "your b***s are getting bigger" and he ran into the kitchen looked at me and said i quote "actually mummy i think they are quite small" he is only 4 lol and i'm a 32 FF!!! Also whilst on a barge holiday my sister saw a sign for horse drawn barges and said i didn't know horses could swim she was 34!

  9. What is mayonnaise made out of?

  10. took my daughter now 3 shopping and they had a tanoy take over thing where you had to say something and if it went over the tanoy you won something it was a radio station thing she told this guy " my mummy's got big boobies she needs big boobie holders to tie them up" needless to say we went a little pink!!

  11. my son was talking to me a while back saying that his Ear Loaf was hurting and did he have a stratch on it, i pointed out it is an Ear Lobe but he was convinced that i had it wrong as his "teacher had called it Ear Loaf" .... what makes it funnier was that he was 14 at the time.

  12. When my daughter was almost 5years old (now 15) we watched our cat give birth.  She had a few questions, but otherwise seemed to take it all in stride. Until she saw the mother cat cleaning the babies. At first she thought she was hurting them. I explained that's how she gives them a bath. She put her hands on her hips and ask "Why don't you give us a bath like that"? Yuk!

  13. Not my child, but my grandson. The other day I was telling him that when I was a young girl we had milk delivered in bottles to the door .

    Oh! he said, you mean in the early bronze age. He's six, so I know it was not a joke.

    Out of the mouth of babes, etc

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