
Whats the top 10 most dangerous sharks?

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i just wanna know




  1. probably the ones that take a bit out of you ?

  2. Hi,

    Great white



    Oceanic white tip


    Hammer Head

    Grey reef




    Sorry just had to have a little fun on the last three.  Blake however filled in some and gave a great answer!

    I still think my last three are the most dangerous sharks of all.  ;  )

  3. Shown on 7th Nov and 14 Nov on Earthvision, access by the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), a compilation of all known shark attacks that is administered by the the American Elasmobranch Society and the Florida Museum of Natural History. The American Elasmobranch Society is a professional organization comprised of international workers studying sharks, skates and rays. More than 3,200 individual investigations are currently housed in the File, covering the period from mid-1500's to present. Many of the data in the File originate from the voluntary submissions of numerous cooperating scientists who serve worldwide as regional observers. The top 10 deadilest sharks are listed below

    1) Bull Shark - Capable of living even in fresh and muddy water for over 4 years, greatly known for attacking people.

    2) Great White Shark - Surprisingly dropped its placing to 2nd, due to slow in breed and population is declining. Can grown up the 8m in length

    3) Tiger Shark - Excellant swimming garbage collector, but research shows tat its more keen to attack stuffs tat float than submerge.

    4) Oceanic Whitetip Shark - Do not mistaken as Whitetip reef shark, totally different shark. One of the most aggressive shark in the ocean, known for its far reaching scent.

    5) Mako Shark - Fastest attacking shark.

    6) Grey Reef Shark - The fear competitor, danger if its in school.

    7) Sand Tiger Shark - A born hunter, eat each other since young and its terrifying nightmare teeth.

    8) Hammerhead Shark - Super-sensitive shark. Got a total of 9 different types of hammerhead sharks. Any of these types, grown up to 15ft is consider dangerous to human.

    9) Blue Shark - Far ranging, excellant travellor.

    10) Lemon Shark - Excellant vision

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