
Whats the top 10 things you need to bring on the plane?

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Whats the top 10 things you need to bring on the plane?




  1. 1) Boarding pass.

    2) A print-out of both your out-going and return itinerary.

    3) A spare change of clothes + socks to switch into after you take-off to make yourself more comfortable during the flight..

    4) Extra entertainment (a book, ipod, nintendo ds, etc)

    5) Wallet with cash to buy drinks, extra food, internet access etc during the flight.

    In the event that your luggage is lost you'll need enough things in your carry-on bag to last you a day or so at your destination. These include:

    6) A fresh change of day clothes and underwear.

    7) A small towel (you might have to shower at the airport).

    8) A toiletries bag with your toothbrush, deodorant etc.

    9) Your mobile phone to make other arrangements, which should be switched off during the flight or at least put into flight mode.

    10) Rechargers for your phone, DS, electric shaver etc.

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