
Whats the true reason why people don't want admit that there is a God ?

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Once people admit that there is a God... then we are accountable for our actions to Him. If God does not exist, then we can do whatever we want without having to worry about God judging us.




  1. Its like you said. Its all about accountability. They dig long and hard to support that there is no God in order to accommodate their behavior.

  2. well i believe you have answered your question.. no person wants some one else sitting on their heads.... so they prefer to close their eyes like a cat while drinking milk...

  3. You are totally wrong. From your logic, you only do good things because you are afraid of your god. Which is not true, is it? You do good things because you like doing them.

    It's the same with atheists like me. I try to do the right thing by everybody, I obey the law and I'm as nice to everyone I meet as I can be.

    Just because I don't believe in god doesn't mean I am some sort of amoral psychopath.

    I like doing good, because I know it makes others happy.

  4. I can't admit to something I've never seen, partner.

  5. Hey  medikaydid,  I  haven't  seen  the  wind  but  I  still  believe  in  it.  

  6. Me personally if there was a God there wouldnt be so much hate in his world and doubt that he exist....

  7. nobody wants God and the Devil on their shoulders whispering in their ears.

  8. God exists and there is only ONE god that we have to trust and believe in.If there's no God how can this world exist and the most important is how can we exist??Every single thing in this world must have a creator,it cannot exist by its self.Example is like the wind,we know that its there but we can't see it and we can feel the breeze too.So do God,we can't see him but we know he's here because we are the proof that God exists.Many infidles out there thought that if they always do good things before they die they will go to heaven and the one that always do bad things go to h**l.Actually they are wrong only muslims that have many rewards than sins will go to heaven and kids that does not come of age yet will go to heaven.Any humans that is sinful can repent to God if they have done any sins but they must promise to their self to not to do the sin again.Any infidles that becomes muslim and they have been protest by their family and they die when they want to defend their new religion which is Islam, If God Wills they will go to heaven.Islam teaches us to do whats best for us but many protest because they think that the rules are too tight but they're wrong.Islam is all about peace and it is beautiful yet simple if we really understands it.  

  9. That's because people are taught that there is a God person, and that he judges. Also, the fact that you can't "see" God is another factor.  God is not that.

    A lot of people have this idea that God is the God that Christians believe, but this belief is very flawed.  You have to think of God in a very different way.

    God is everything in the Universe and more.  You see God in everything, everything you experience is a miracle, because in a very low level, we are formed by the same thing.  Everything is made of the same thing, energy.  How then can energy be something "physical" when it's not?  Think about that.  

    Everything that happens happens because it's God's will.  If a rock falls, it falls because it has to fall, it's following the laws of physics.  If a big rock falls onto a man and kills him, it had to happen, a rock was just following the laws of physics.

    We, on the other hand, were given the gift of consciuosness, and we are the descision makers of what's right and what's wrong.  That's why there is so much disagreement on what should be legal and what shouldn't.  Someone's right is someone's wrong and vice versa.

    We, as "workers of God", do what we think is right for us.  But we are part of God.

    Call it God, call it the Universe, Life, Higher Power, Architech, Creator, whatever you want, it has many names.  I choose to call it God as my preference.

  10. We can do whatever we want...

    Look at what the Spaniards, French, and English have done to the world . Oh and all in the name of God!

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