
Whats the twilight books all about/whats the summary of twilight books?by stephanie meyer ?

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actually i am in 8th grade i don't like to read books alot and i am also not good at vocabulary but i have heard from many people the book is really good so please help me out what can i do read the books?No jokes please. I am serious




  1. it is about a girl and a vampire who falls in love
    and they go through some tough things like she almost geting killed and stuff and how hard it is for him to not kill her
    and how he it is HARD for him to not drink her and won't because he LOVES her it is a REALLY REALLY GOOD BOOK
    you should really read it
    at first I didn't really think it would be tha good but I was blown away at how GOOD it was
    but I like books more then most pepol cause I can pictur it like a move in my head
    but that is because I REALLY like to read
    anyways hope this helped and they are really good books

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