
Whats the weather like all year round in england?

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whats it like in the summer, the spring, the fall, the winter?

compared to the united states




  1. Can't compare it to the US but mainly rainy. We get snow every other year or so but it's usually like Feb/March although this year it was in the beginning of April. We get cold winters and often cold summers. English weather is mainly rain though. Rain is very typical of England.

  2. mostly rain rain &more rain

  3. summer to me here is what springtime is back in the states, winter-cold, rainy, dark, wet, windy, fall is dreary, dark early and cold too. Spring is daylight for a long time, but still cold. LOL!

    ~Raised in the US in the south

  4. bells_12 : seems to be putting our weather down a bit compaired with the states:

    Depending on where you live do I not recall seeing news reel of the weather in the States that show large scale floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones,flash fires, storms that are so bad they lead to land slides and snow drifts that cover vehicles.

    If the above is true then we do not have weather that compares thank god.

    I can remember a few years back when I was in California and about 10:00 am the sky turned black and a storm like I had never seen before let loose, never experienced storm like it in the UK.

    We seem to get more than our fair share of rain but them you can't have a land as lush as ours without a drop of rain however over the past two years we have had water rationing because it has not rain very much.

    The weather I suspect is turning a little strange because of global warming but by in large our weather I consider to be pleasant.

    bells_12 : describe our winter as dark and windy well I suppose at night it is dark and the daylight hours are shorter but I not sure it can be called windy by comparison to the U S OF A.

  5. We had summer this year.It was on a tuesday.

  6. Rainy??

    But to be fair we are not extremist...ok summer 2007 was cold and dreary with a few hot spots at 28C but the summer of 2006 was mainly hot thru out..26-29C and thats hot for the UK.

    due to being a small island we have the influence from ireland..northern Europe, Atlantic Ocean and north sea we have all the weathers from cold and sunny one day to snow the next...

    And even the south influences us..Southern Europe weathers can increase our temperaure phenomenally....UK was the hottest in Europe las week...funny...and hotter than parts of the US.

    UK tho is great...but always take a rain coat...jus in case ...

    And u cant compare a huge land mass like US to the UK. Land masses are influenced by other factors, like the equatorial line, and time zones.

    UK is jus a small island stuck away from Europe but so close u can swim it lol...but still is mostly mild yr thru out...

  7. England has a temperate climate, with plentiful rainfall all year round, although the seasons are quite variable in temperature. However, temperatures rarely fall below −5 °C (23 °F) or rise above 30 °C (86 °F). The prevailing wind is from the south-west, bringing mild and wet weather to England regularly from the Atlantic Ocean. It is driest in the east and warmest in the south, which is closest to the European mainland. Snowfall can occur in winter and early spring, although it is not that common away from high ground.

    Winter in England is defined as lasting from December to February. The season is generally cool, wet and windy. Temperatures at night rarely drop below −10 °C (14 °F) and in the day rarely rise above 15 °C (59 °F). Precipitation is plentiful throughout the season, though snow is relatively infrequent despite the country's high latitude.

    Spring is the period from March to May. Spring is generally a calm, cool and dry season, particularly because the Atlantic has lost much of its heat throughout the autumn and winter. However, as the sun rises higher in the sky and the days get longer, temperatures can rise relatively high; thunderstorms and heavy showers can develop on occasion.

    Summer lasts from June to August. Summer can often be a dry season, but rainfall totals can have a wide local variation due to localised thunderstorms. These thunderstorms mainly occur in southern, eastern, and central England and are less frequent and severe in the north and west. North Atlantic depressions are not as frequent or severe in summer but increase both in severity and frequency towards the end of the season. Summer often sees high pressure systems from the Azores dominate.

    Autumn in England, lasts from September to November. The season is notorious for being unsettled—as cool polar air moves southwards following the sun, it meets the warm air of the tropics and produces an area of great disturbance along which the country lies

    England has warmer maximum and minimum temperatures throughout the year then the rest of the United Kingdom, except Wales has milder minimums from November to February, and Northern Ireland has warmer maximums from December to February. England is also sunnier than the other constituent countries throughout the year,

    Unlike the USA, in England there isn't a great weather variance from North to South. A few degrees perhaps.

    If you are looking for very variant weather conditions, the UK is the perfect place!

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