
Whats the weather like central mexico during december?

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Primarily Aguascalientes




  1. Cold.

    I'm in Aguascalientes, we have max at 24º C  (80º F) and min 0ºC (30ºF) or lower. You can see that the difference is very big, even 20 celsius degrees at one day. How cold and windy depends if there is any "frente polar" (sorry, i don't know the translation, I guess it is easy to understand). Usually, there is no rain, but eventually (specialy if we are in "año del niño" or "El Niño" year, it is call that way 'cause it rains on christhmass, El niño means "the child boy" and referes to new born Jesus) we can have a little rain, but it is not the rain season.

    You could check the meteo stations and check rain and temperature, currently and historic; the link to the whole country is:

    The link to Aguascalientes State is:

  2. cold at night hot in the day

  3. aguascalientes:i live in queretaro (which is a couple of hours from there) it will probably be around 5-20 degrees celcius unless there are any storms

  4. cold in the mornings and in the evenings

    hot/warm during the day

    usually doesnt rain, but sometimes you will see frost in the roads, roofs, and plants

  5. I live in Pachuca northeast of Mexico City which is also central Mexico so I can tell you that weather is unpredictable during December. It might be delightfully spring like with only cold temperatures at night or it could be quite cold with strong winds. It usually doesn't drop below freezing but with strong winds and windows that leak air like a sieve (the curtains move, even though the windows are closed completely) you can be quite chilled and want to cuddle under the blankets most of the day.


  7. Temperature:s for Aguascalientes:

    High Temperature ( F / C )

    JAN 71 / 22

    FEB 75 / 24

    MAR 80 / 27

    APR 84 / 29

    MAY 86 / 30

    JUN 84 / 29

    JUL 80 / 27

    AUG 78 / 26

    SEP 78 / 26

    OCT 77 / 25

    NOV 75 / 24

    DEC 71 / 22

    Low Temperature ( F / C )

    JAN 36 / 2

    FEB 39 / 4

    MAR 42 / 6

    APR 48 / 9

    MAY 53 / 12

    JUN 57 / 14

    JUL 56 / 13

    AUG 56 / 13

    SEP 55 / 13

    OCT 49 / 9

    NOV 41 / 5

    DEC 37 / 3

    This is my help from Washington, D.C. United States of America.

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