
Whats the weather like where you're at?

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i'm in los angeles, and its been raining for like a week.




  1. Dark and Windy hooooooooooooooo it nearly blew my hat off hoooooooooooooooo C is for Captain not K `hoooooooooooooooo Captain Jack Sparrow hoooooooooooooo ???

  2. I'm in MI and it is like 2 degress out right now.....Brrrrrrr!

  3. Dallas...where it is cold and rainy with some occasional sleet mixin in

  4. cold cold cold.  single digits, windy, nasty, snowed yesterday.

  5. im in london and the weather is, as always, c**p. its rainging, ultra wind and its freezing. but its not snowing though. gosh..typial english weather..its never warm.

  6. Its raining and about 35-40 degrees where I am - Louisiana

  7. Oklahoma and it's cold!

  8. I'm in northern Italy and we finally have sun after about 3 weeks of rain.

    And it's about 40°F.

  9. cold, snow, sometimes rain or hail

  10. FREEZING in NY

  11. Minnesota, it's snowy and cold.  It finally got out of the negatives at the end of this week.  It's like 15 degrees now, feels like a heat wave!  Haha.

  12. I'm up north. It's cold. wooh.

  13. Cold. In the 20s (deg F)

  14. I'm in the UK and its freezing.

  15. It's about 17 degrees here and very very windy.  I'm in Pittsburgh PA.

  16. im in Canton, Ohio....its 17 degrees out...with a real feel of 3 degrees...the roads are white from the salt...there is a lil snow...but not enough to cover everything..its really really cold and the wind is blowing and makes my face numb when i have to walk outside

  17. Boston...Its sunny but freezing..In the 30s

  18. This is a test to see how many people pick me as best answer just for answering first!!!!!

  19. cold windy in oklahoma

  20. I am living in eastern England and its cold wet and urgh

  21. I'm in San Diego...and we're clear for the moment but you're sending your rain our way tomorrow.

    A rainy saturday in San depressing is that?lol

  22. dreary like the u.k. but i live in socal

  23. London; sunny but deceivingly cold!

  24. Im in chicago and its freezing, yesterday we had -15 degrees and today its around 0. Suppose to get 1-2 inches tonight.. SUCKS!

  25. It's raining men

  26. Cold and Windy

  27. I live in Mobile, Al and the weather is cold here now. Most days of the year are warm.

  28. cold and wet

  29. It is 27F and sleeting.  I'm in Arkansas.

  30. I feel you brutha! So Cali. Rainy, windy, and cold. It's gonna last through Sunday.

  31. it's about 5 degrees Farinheit.

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