
Whats the weather usually like in Sao Paulo, Brazil in December?

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Whats the weather usually like in Sao Paulo, Brazil in December?




  1. about 70F, I remember we used to have BBQ on xmas in Brazil

  2. If you like hot, go. If not, don't bother. I can think of thousands of other places better to go to than Sao Paulo.

  3. See webpage below for weather summary and history for Sao Paulo for December.

  4. Summer. It's between 20-30 celcius I believe :)

  5. The others answers are good - it is summer, it will be warm . . . but don't forget the humidity.  When I lived in Sao Paulo, that was the hardest to adjust to for me (but I come from a drier climate).  Warm (80-90F), yes but the humidity really added to the effect.

  6. I´ve spent one summer in Sao Paulo, its not only hot and humid, but its suffocating.

    In Rio, no matter how hot it gets, there´s always a wind from the ocean blowing, in Sao Paulo it was very bad.

    As Corinthian said, the humidity is very high.

    And the smell does not help either, specially by the "marginais" of the rivers Pinheiros and Tiete.

  7. Expect lows around 17C. to 19C. (62C. to 66F) and highs around 25C. to 27C. (77F. to 81F.).

    Because it´s the last spring´s month, temp. can reach around 32C. (90F.) in some afternoons.

    It´s commom to have strong (but brief) thunderstorms between 4pm and 6m.

  8. is summer and is about 70s F

  9. Warm.

  10. HOT !    

    It wouldn't be so bad if the homes had air conditioning..     but most dont.       I stay with family every time I go but I never go during their summer.     I went once and suffered .. heh ..  from 12 noon to 4  all i could do was sit still or else i'd break a sweat just by moving an arm.  

    I guess thats why latin american countries take naps

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