
Whats the weirdest ouija bored (wigi bored) experience you've had...or whats happened when you used it?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so i wanna know what happened when you used an ouija bored or what are some stories you have from using one....




  1. i dont like useing them cause a demon can come out of one of them and hunt you down and kill you and now i scared myself!!

  2. I would never use a Ouija board. Neither should you or anyone else.

    Ouija boards only bring evil and negative energy and should never be bought into a home or anywhere near a person.

  3. I used a ouija board with a few mates once, everytime someone tried to move the planchette in one direction I would just push towards the opposite direction so it wouldn't move at all. One of them seemed a little freaked out until I told him I was doing it on purpose.

    I think some people take them a little too seriously

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