
Whats the world coming too??

by  |  earlier

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First off, we have "global warming". i dont know about you guys but where i live... we had TWO days of snow this winter.. and its around the first day of spring i think? and its super warm. My science teacher says the ozone is disappearing and if it goes away to a certain point... we're dead.. great..... Then comes the gas prices haha... i was with my boyfriend yesterday and his mom filled up her gas tank... no big deal right? well the pumps only go up to $75.00.... she had to start it over.... she spent $88.00 on gas for her truck and the tank wasnt even empty to start. I'm 16 and i heard that oil is supposed to run out sometime in my lifetime... thats pretty rediculous ... can you imagine if NO ONE got gas for just one day... the prices would drop like crazy....

what can we even do about this?




  1. Check your Bible.  See Revelatons

  2. We had loads of snow this year.  Have over 6ft high snowbanks on front lawn.  Few thaws we've had since Jan 1 haven't reduced it all so it has just kept building with each new snowfall.

    Ozone destruction has been happening for many years.  Since there is some conflicting info about it it is hard to determine whether it is really worse or sort of stabilizing.  Yes if it disappears we are in trouble.

    $88 is that all??  Up here fuel is at $4.07/US gallon.  This time of year diesel is even more so filling my truck is even more expensive ($4.38/US gal).  

    There have been multiple efforts to arrange a don't buy gas day around the country but all have failed as there are too many of us who have to buy almost daily or every other day.  Yes if it happened the gas copnaies would have a fit but it won't as too many think it'll have no effect.  Think of the line ups for the next two days afterwards.

    What can we do???  First reduce your own and your friends environmental footprint.  So power economical appliances, buy ethanol fuels to reduce pollution, use solar power to recharge your cell phone, laptop and other small portable devices (you can buy solar chargers and plug into them).  Buy a hybrid vehicle as the fuel economy is much better that regular gas buggies or even a diesel powered.  Unfortunately the smart car now comes in gasoline engine only so I won't be buying one as i liked the diesel (way better fuel mileage).

    Other things are to redo your house to utilize solar heating, solar charging for small devices and even for lighting.  By reducing your own and your friends demands for energy you can help and even let others know of the abilities to save power.  Things like utilizing mirrors to aid in lighting a room rather than more light bulbs.  Mirrors don't burn out. In a power outage one candle in front of a mirror becomes like 3.

  3. if the whole world worked together, so so so much could be acheived, but at the mo it seems we are all gonna die. some of the claims may be overexaggerated......... oh well maybe there is hope for us but we are too stupid to see how. keep thinking, you never know, you might save the planet.

  4. Seems like the end.But we have been hearing that for many years now.So I don't know.

  5. Relax.

    We are not going to run out of oil for a long long time, certainly not withing your life time.  Who ever told you that was either poorly informed or a liar.  Gasoline is actually still less expensive in real terms than it was in 1984, but you would not of course remember this.

    And while global warming is certainly occuring, this was by no means the warmest winter on record, and last year (2007) was far from the warmest year on record as well.

    The whole ozone layer thing is so 90s.  

    It sounds to me like you are being jerked around by a bunch of Chicken Littles with an agenda.  Do a little research on your own.

    Don't buy gas days are meaningless and have no effect on prices, but if they make you feel good, go ahead and don't buy gas.

  6. Unfortunately it seems that anything we try to do, gets shot down by the government in a flash because it risks their income.

    Changes will only come when our generation is old enough to hold positions of power.

    That's what I believe in any case.

  7. There's not much we can do, but i think, governments should use more alternative+renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal heat,...) for power. For fuels, I've read an article that says we can use power generated by sources above to split H2O into O2 and H2, which can be used as a replacement for gasoline. In short, we can live on just fine, as long as governments in the world are willing to cooperate.

  8. only the world can to something TOGETHER. The Industry is

    able to build cars with 2gallons/100miles - but other countries needs the profit from selling oil. It´s all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

  9. What can we do? well you could take take off your top, it'll help the enviorment... i swear.

  10. Every generation starts out believing their generation will save the world. You are living in the baby boomers attempt. Your kids will tell you that you screwed up and that they are here to save the world. It is really quite tiring to hear.

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