
Whats the worst & best thing to do for a hangover?

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I drank alot of sambuca and some beer. I know that ur supposed to drink water after u drink, but I was lazy, tired, puking. For some reason I s h i t my pants ...I dont know why though. I puked yesterday and in the morning but I feel like I still need to puke, but Im not puking (and im getting unpatient). I ate some eggs and a potatoe & some coke but I didnt feel any better.




  1. Telling that story, it seems.

  2. Drink lots of water !!!!

  3. Zambuca messes with you bad, its the only drink that makes some of my friends act like jerks.

    You need some gatorade and to have something like dry toast or saltine crackers...think of what you would eat when you are sick.  You are really dehydrated right now, especially from the puking.

  4. Check out this hangover article by Liquor Live, it's actually pretty helpful. I have been hangover free now for quite a while after I drink:

  5. You are dehydrated. Water is the best thing you can do - drink lots of water, water, water.

    The worst thing is what you have already done, ate a heavy meal and soda. IF the soda is caffeinated, it is a diuretic and encourages more water loss.

    The reason you pooped your pants is that you were retching quite violently and the force of the action caused you to push out your bum.

  6. Usually - any form of rehydration helps. Water , sports drinks etc.. personally flat Coke (i.e. no bubbles) really works for me.

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