
Whats the worst book you ever read.?

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Whats the worst book you ever read.?




  1. I must say that I've started to read pretty lousy books, and there is too many to say, but normally my mind is made up by chapter 3-4.

  2. I have three and cant pick so going to say all of them and two of them seem to come under the category for worse books a lot.

    Louis Sachar "Holes"

    Mark Haddon - Cruel intentions of the dog in the night -time

    Sharon Owens - The Tea House on Mulberry Street

  3. The Bible

    The Lord of the Rings

    The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Moonlight- mainly because I think that this is a childrens book that somehow seemed to miss it's market.

  4. Angels and Demons

    I swiftly gave it to a charity book sale and vowed never to open a Dan Brown book again. The prose was painfully clunky, the plot predictable and the main character a Gary Stu. Plus, it ended with the world thinking it had seen a miracle live on TV, and somehow it was OK for the protagonists to respect the Vatican's polite request that they keep their mouths shut about the fact that it was nothing of the sort.

  5. Things not seen by Andrew Clemen. Horrible main character. Boring. Threw it across my room five times before finishing.

  6. the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoyevski, this book will make you feel your brain has been trodden on, the intoduction is enough to give you indigestion.

  7. When I  moved into a share house with my friend Paul, I churned through his book collection fairly quickly. I asked if he had anything else to read, so he brought three books out of hiding. He was too far too embarrassed to have them on his shelf and I don't blame him for that decision.

    They were by an author ( and i use this term very very loosely) named Poppy Z. Brite. I can't remember the actual names of the novels, but they were all about the same topic - homosexual vampires who had lots of s*x, drank chartreuse, had green eyes and lived in new orleans.

    Me and these books were like a train wreck. I knew it was wrong but simply could not look away. The characters were so flimsy they were translucent, the plot was non-existent and the writing simply horrible.

    I had to read the other two, of course, just to find out if they continued to be as bad as the first. Unfortunately she wrote the same novel three times as she clearly doesn't have the skill to write an original story line.

    Paul to this day attempts to give them to any person who crosses his path.

  8. Hard Time by Charles Dickens for English 'A' level it certainly was a hard time - the most boring book ever. Dickens wrote his stories originally for weekly magazines and had to submit a certain number of words and for this one if he was short of the amount of words he required he just wrote pages and pages describing some hills and some valleys etc.  I can't even remember what the story was about I just keep thinking hills, valleys, oh look there are some trees.

  9. Eight 8 it was a book about chess where life was a chess game god it was awful avoid it at all costs.

  10. The last couple of books in the Anita Blake series by Laurel K. Hamilton were truly awful - I don't know why I even bothered to finish them. One was called 'Danse Macabre' and I can't remember the name of the other one.  The series of books started really well and then it just descended into the most unimaginative tripe! The characters became dull and monotonous and the heroine who started off being really interesting and feisty became really, really annoying!!! So disappointing.

  11. A book called "The Vampire Armand" by Anne Rice. It was about a vampire named Armand (obviously). And the first page was very beautiful and well-written and then all of a sudden there was all this g*y mansex going on and I was just......."Whoooaaaaaaaa!!!!" and BOY did I shut the book fast!

    Hey coley.......these vampires lived in New Orleans also.......are you SURE we were't being tortured by the same awful book? The only difference is that I'm absolutely POSITIVE that the author of my book is Anne Rice.

  12. Glory Road by Robert A. Heinlein. It's put me off reading anything else by his, which is unfortunate. Absolutely vacuous.

  13. Boy2Girl by Terence Blacker —     Honestly, I just can't bring myself to continue to finish reading this. The narration shifts a lot from one person to another makes it less appealing, and the whole thing (from what I've read so far) seems so silly. I forgot why I bought it in the first place.

    Is He or Isn't He? by John Hall —    I couldn't read more than 15 pages. Really. Everything was just so... plastic. So unreal-like. No offense to anyone that's homosexual, but the characters were just to shallow for me (C'mon! The main girl was a daughter of an actress, the main boy was a son of two famous designers, and the love interest/new guy is a son of some famous bunch of people. I don't have anything against rich kids, but in those first 15 pages, everything was to unrealistic. :| )

    I have some other books in my collection, but those two are the only ones I can recall. XD

  14. and finished?

    Battlefield Earth by L, Ron Hubbard always sticks in my mind as an example of horrible science fiction.  I gagged through the first and have used examples of it as horrible sci-fi ever since.

  15. A book called "Devil Soul" by some hack whose name I can't remember.  It was a bad rip-off of the first half of Dennis Wheatley's "The Devil Rides Out".  

  16. A book called Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.

  17. I can't remember the name it was so bad.  It was a book that I got as a freebie.  I think it was something about a wolf or something.  It was really awful.

  18. catcher in the rye. i couldn't figure out what the author was trying to say. i read 2 chapters. i couldn't figure out anything. and i read alot.  

  19. So many to choose from, but my most recent was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

    Sorry to all HP fans, but we can't all like the scribblings of Ms Rowling. :-)

  20. I would have to say darren shan. the only reason i finished the 1st one was because it was a painfully low level of reading and it was what? 100 pages? filled with... hmm... unintentionally silly vampire nonsense.

  21. I read a lot of books, and I tend to stay towards classics like Hemingway, Steinbeck and F. Scott Fitzgerald (my favorites), but I had to read "The Handmaid's Tale" for English my senior year in high school. I hated it. I loathed it. I almost set it on fire in my bathtub.

    As I got older, I thought I'd give it another try.

    Still hated it.

  22. Millions, The Book of Everything and Skellig.

    They were all for English and I hated them. Why can't the book supply us with something good to read for once?

  23. The Potato Factory - Bryce Courtney - couldn't finish it so boring!

  24. secrets by Jacqueline Wilson

    Harry Potter books are excellent books....

    If you bother to finish them!

    The story lines keep up throughout the book although I admit it can get confusing but if you sit down and think about it it all makes sense.

  25. i can't remember the person that wrote the book the name is called 'Mango' it was so boring i couldn't finish it....

  26. It was a book in a series called The was a trilogy that I got as a present...I read the first three chapters of the first book and donated them to the library...they were about a bunch of mice who have like their own bad I can't remember anything else.

  27. They Do Things Differently Here by Jan Mark.

    The plot was awful, it wasn't believeable. At first it was quite good, as it was gripping and mysterious, but then I felt it turned into a joke.

    I felt the author ran out of ideas and just jotted random stuff down like Captain Chesseheart, beyond ridiculous for a book aimed at young adults.

  28. chancellor papers

    a book about a guy writing a book about a guy writing about guy writing a book

    yeah it sucked, I stopped reading with 10 pages left.

  29. Behind the Curtain by Peter Abrahams. It's a mystery, but everything was just so predicatble, I guessed everything that happened!  

  30. Well, maybe not the worst, but The Fire Within by Chris D'Lacey. The cover had dragons, the synopsis said it was about dragons, the main characters were interested in dragons . . . but it was about squirrels. What.The.Heck.

    Oh, and the fail that is the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.

    There is also Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. The book was so boring.

  31. Dubliners by James Joyce.

    Don't believe anyone who tells you Joyce was a genius.  He was a self-regarding fool who had nothing to write about.  Dubliners is a series of short stories in which nothing happens at all.  He's got a reasonable turn of phrase, but nothing to say.  I suppose he thought it was way too bourgeois to actually think of a plot.  I've read Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man as well, which at least gives you a picture of the foul, self-important snob he was.

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