
Whats the worst book you have ever read ?

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Without a Shadow of a doubt Twilight is the worst book I have ever read - and I love vampire novels




  1. Anything by Charles Dickens. I know he is supposed to be this amazing, classic writer - but I cannot make myself finish ANY of his books.

    (Don't get me wrong, I have read lots of good, classic, LONG, novels - but his hold NO interest whatsoever for me. Boring.)

  2. The Twilight series was probably the worst largely-popular series ever. For the life of me, I can't figure out why teenage girls apparently enjoy bad writing, undeveloped characters, and a completely nonexistent plot.

    And I'm a teenage girl.

  3. Ramona's World. Curse you, Beverly Cleary!!!!!! I think I had to read it in first grade or something. It's entire genre (spunky, or rather, annoying, kid gets into trouble) is an insult to kids' intelligence.

  4. Postcards From No Mans Land.

    I couldn't get into it at all.

  5. Classically bad: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne – a story about an extramarital affair which is seeped in a heavy dullness from beginning to end.

    “Non”-Fiction bad: The Princess Series by Jean Sasson – these read incredibly questionable and I am sure they are not real and actually concocted by someone from the state of New York.

    Juvenile bad: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor – the most dismal hard to read book I have ever read.  For some reason, everyone was recommending this book to me when I was about 10 and 11 years old.

  6. The Brethern, A Painted House,both by John Grisham and Night Chills by Dean Kootz,

  7. the man and the sea....don't shoot me people lol i found it so boring.

  8. the prince and the pauper is a great book!

    but a boring and really dull book is Cut by Patricia McCormick

  9. The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain

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