
Whats the worst deegree like of murder 1st 2nd or 3rd???

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  1. Murder One....Kill in cold blood.  That is your  worst murder degree....The killer meant to murder, would likely do it again if given the chance.  Murder in the first (1st) is the choice of a District Attorney if he/she wants to go for the death penalty or life without parole.

  2. Each state has its own definitions.

    In New Jersey, murder is only a 1st degree crime.

  3. Murder in the first degree is the worst. Jeez, I watch entirely too much Law & Order!

  4. haha i love watching cops. well anyways first degree is the worst.

  5. 1st degree murder is preplanned murder, 2nd degree murder is murder without malice and intent, 3rd degree murder is murder by accomplice

  6. 1st

    but any type of murder is cold - hearted

  7. First is the worst  (Monc's got it more or less right)

    However you're scaring me by posting this in the Teaching section...

  8. First degree murder is premeditated.  Second degree murder is intentional but without premeditation.  Third degree is criminally negligent.  

    If I run over you with my car and kill you, I'm in trouble.  If I was drunk, its third degree.  If I was aiming for you because you broke up with me, its second.  If I followed you for days with my car waiting for you to cross the street, its first.

  9. First degree.

  10. First is the most serious and in plain English involves a cold blooded quality, Second is more of a hot blooded murder that is happens in neighborhood arguments or a family dispute, and Third is, I think, what used to be called Manslaughter that involves some gross negligence or an accidental feature and some intent, with pure negligent homicide being the fourth and least severe.  It is my impression that the lawmakers have made the punishment between first and second so close in punishment that a 45 year old is looking at basically a life sentence under either verdict.  I am like anyone, in that I hate murders but these degrees of murder have been ignored by legislatures who want to please the voters by making second degree almost as serious as first.  That is just plain wrong and if arguing before an appellate court advance the idea that the punishment for second degree is "cruel and unusual" under the intent and meaning of the state and federal constitutions.

  11. the murder in the 1st degree is the worst because it means that you had a planned killing.

  12. i dont no let me try on u

  13. First

  14. 1st! duh. that one gets you the death penalty, IF your state has it (mine doesn't. that's why kevorkian was able to live!).

  15. 1st degree murder is premeditated murder, which is the worst.   Second degree murder is intentional, but not premeditated.  Third degree is any other type of murder.

  16. 1st.

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