
Whats the worst pain you've ever felt?

by Guest66001  |  earlier

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Mine would be when my thumb nail broke from the cuticle up, and it was peeling down the sides. It was pretty much like breaking your nail REALLY breaking haf your nail off.

SO painful.

Please don't make up stories. Even if its not that bad, tell me :]

10 points to the best answer!





  1. I was 9ish. My 2 brothers and their friend would hang in the living room having some fun. My older bro was laying on his back with his legs curled up in the air. My other bro would lay on my older bro's back feet, and older bro later pushed him and rocketed him up into the air and he later landed on his face. They were laughing so hard. Round two, the friend also layed on my older bro's back feet, and shot him up in the air. They laughed once more. I was lonely that time so I wanted to have fun. I volunteered to lay on his back feet. I was anticipating the feeling of excitement they had. all of a sudden he pulled his legs back and forcely pushed me up in the air. Felt a blast for a nanosecond. Then bam, I crushed on the hard floored carpet right on my back. I was in deep shock and more in deep pain. I couldn't speak loud and clear, or move; I was paralyzed. I was calling out for help through my choked up tone. Brothers thought I was crazy and fooling around, but I wasn't. So they called me names and put me down. My family came out and they all starred at me with shock. Asked what happend and brothers said I was just being stupid. One hour laying on the surface with pain, I finally got to move my legs. Another few minutes I got up with my entire body, still sore. As I walked through the hall, brother came out of the room, slapped my head and told me to never do that again. From that day, I've never felt such pain internally and emotionally.  

  2. I had a Kidney stone once, they describe the pain as one of the worst pains a human can have, and i believe it, i was laying on the floor of a hospital waiting room in agony wishing someone would end my life.

    These ‘stones’ can be irregularly shaped – more like a large snowflake than a smooth stone you might find in a river. Once they move into the uereter they can cause agonising pain.

    It is several inches from your kidneys to your bladder and that journey can be some of the worst hours, days or weeks of your life.

    This is one of the worst pains you can experience. You may sweat profusely, be incapacitated, collapse, pass out or even think that you are about to die. It can be that bad.

  3. giving birth

  4. Ooh...when my dentist tighten my hurts a lot

  5. bad back.....when it goes out,,words cannot describe the pain !!!

  6. I thought it was when I lost my dog a few year ago.Now my 2nieces and my nephew were all killed in a really bad accident. Now we are  planning their funeral. It is the worst pain you could ever feel.  

  7. Hm..

    I slammed my thumb in a van door...


    That hurt pretty bad.

    (I lost my nail too!)


  8. Kidney stone.  No question.

    You don't have to agree with me.  It was a direct question, relating to personal experience, and I answered it honestly.  So, to whoever gave me a thumbs down for having a really painful kidney stone:  Go to h**l.

  9. I got my middle finger cut off in the door.

    And then had to have 3 surgeries to get it re-attached.

    What a ***** that was.

  10. birthing my 4 children the natural way

  11. When i woke up in the middle of the night i felt this sharp pain in my lower side and thought it was my appendix but i ended up having kidney stones which hurt like a mother. It felt like somone was jabbing a knife in my side and twisting it. I would rather die than get kidney stones again.

    worst pain ever

  12. Uhhh..

    Well.. in July, right after my birthday.. My appendix busted in my body.. and that just.. really hurt.

  13. Gosh, that sounds terrible - I'm whincing at the thought of it!

    Mine was of a sexual nature.  I couldn't walk or sit down properly for a few days.

  14. i get trigeminal nerve pain across the left side of my face that makes me feel like jumping off a bridge the pain is unbearable  way worse than when i gave birth to my son naturally

  15. hmm.... either the time i got this horrid stomach pain that made me collapse in the classroom or the horrid chest pains i keep having.

  16. When I was 17, I had foot surgery and was in a cast for a good while. When the time came to take off the cast, my foot was so tender, the slightest touch hurt like h**l. Made me cry a lot, till it healed up.  

  17. getting tazered hurt more than getting shot. but that didn't last long. i guess when i had 5 vertabrea crushed and my skull fractured. been in constant pain and crippled as well as having seizures for 18 years. why ya think i'm still up, it hurts to much to sleep.

  18. Motorcycle crash. Unbelievable pain for months. Any woman who says childbirth is the most painful thing anybody can experience has their head in the sand. Childbirth lasts 3 months? My old roommate got half of his guts and one leg blown off in an explosion and they couldn't get him any help for almost 24 hours. His wife would never say that no man can imagine the pain of childbirth.

  19. Childbirth.

  20. when my bowel busted open inside of me..I nearly died of the!


    Happend this year. Feburary 2008.

    I have surgery papers to prove!

  21. Getting kicked in the balls. I know, it doesn't sound as bad as the other stories. But it still hurt like h**l. Luckily, they still work.

  22. My worst pain?? Prob. when I was walking my dog, & she went around my legs then the leash left 3 marks on each leg..It bled a lot but I've never broken a bone or anything =]

    Yea, I know..not that much of a biggie!

  23. Abscessed tooth. This comes from a woman who has given birth drug free twice. I would rather have 20 natural painful child birth experiences than to have another toothache in life. The pain is absolutely ridiculous...everytime your heart beats...THROB!

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