
Whats the worst that can happen.?

by Guest61401  |  earlier

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one of my friends (who's a girl) wants to run away. idk why. She's 15 years old and she wants to run away with her boyfriend. she asked me wants the worst her mom can do about that? i didn't know what to say. if she did run away and her mom called the police what could they do? could they go search for her? her mom is pretty strict so i wanted to know if she ran away with her boyfriend......whats the wors that could happen?




  1. If she's having s*x with her boyfriend, he could possibly end up charged with statutory rape,  If her mom can't control her she might end up in a Juvenile Hall.  If it's reported to the police they would put her information and details out as a missing person so if she was picked up she would be detained until her parents went to get her.  Not to mention all the other problems she's going to run into....drugs, prostitution, theft, no place to stay, nothing to eat.  Whatever money she has, if any, won't last very long.

    She's a very foolish girl if she thinks life is going to be easier away from her home!

  2. worst , she could wind up dead or being forced into a prostitution ring

    for him he will go to jail for criminal sexual assault of a minor and she probably in up in a foster home or reformatory

  3. Well, the worst that can happen is she runs off with b/f and gets pregnant and when she's dragged home she'll have to look after the child until it's 18 and no one is going to want to marry her saddled with a baby unless she is REALLY nice.  At 15 she is underage so b/f will get put in jail for underage s*x and depending on how old he is, he might get put on the s*x offenders register as well for being a pervert.  Just because she's unhappy at home is no reason to run off with her b/f.  She won't be any happier with him.  She should wait until she is 16 before she leaves home.  When she does she should leave home on her own in a sensible fashion, not shack up with someone - otherwise she'll never be an independent woman.

  4. Legally she would go to juvi once she was caught.

  5. Depending on what state you all are in it is the law that the mother reports her "missing" after 24 hours or the mother WILL BE charged for neglect!

    I would worry more about the reasons she wants to run away and not the effects of it. Maybe ask he why she feels she has too. Is the boy she;s running off with not a wise choice? If not you have a obligation as her friend to help save her (and maybe her life) and maybe mention it to a counselor or her mother. Give her mother a chance to fix it before things get that bad. Running away is NOT the answer!!! I know this from experience.... you'll ALWAYS end up back home!

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