
Whats the worst thing that can happen to you after doing pot?

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I've never done drugs, but I've been tempted to try recently. In the end I know its a bad idea, because it kills brain cells and such, but still, I want to be able to try it at least once, so I can help my kids make an informed decision. My parents are very understanding, even letting my brother try cigarette's after they found that all of his friends were smoking, so I'm not really afraid of them finding out.. its more about the repercussions.. so if I only do it once, can I "nuff" myself up permanently? (and if I do decide to try, it will only be the one time)




  1. Nothing.  A lot of things can kill brain cells, even being stressed out.  Don't be afraid of marijuana.  If you want to learn more about the wonderful cannabis plant, go to . Don't be swayed by the negative media that marijuana makes you a criminal.  It comes from the earth.  Oh, and just because something is illegal, doesn't mean it's wrong.  For example, g*y marriage and smoking marijuana.  :)  Happy toking my friend.

    Also, here is a link to a great informational website that has drug experiences from actual users.

  2. to me pot is a drug ... if u end up getting hooked on it it is just something else that will probably cause more problems than solutions and also some thing  aperson will have to quit. if u do not start u do not have to quit.

  3. If it were a choice between smoking pot on a recreational basis or being addicted to a two pack a day cigarette habit for the rest of your life or dying from liver failure from being an alcholic. I would chose recreational smoking of pot. Taking drugs of any kind into your body is never a good idea, but pot is not nearly as bad as everyone hypes it up to be. Cigarettes & booze are far worse, but the goverment makes too much money to put a ban on them. If you have not tried pot yet, don't. You'll be better off in the long run.

  4. nah the only bad effects you could get is the spins from smoking a bit too much. and dont listen to the people that try to find the bad in smoking it. they dont know what theyre talking about

  5. Don't try it. I never have, and here's why. The side affects are...

    Loss of brain cells.

    Testicular cancer.

    Your children having birth defects.

    Inability to perform sexually.

    And those are just a few. Stay away from it. You'll be thankful in the long run.

  6. well even if you only do it once you can always like it so much as to where you start doing it every once in a while to every day and then you get addicted.  it does kill brain cells and there is always the possibility of hurting yourself when you are high.  not only is it unhealthy for you but it could cause you to lose your friends or the people you love.  my ex-boyfriend started doing pot and he lost me.  he also started to go downhill in general. all he cares about now is pot so i recommend not doing it because it isnt worth everything you could lose and what not.  plus it is not attractive just to let you know.

  7. The worst thing that can happen is that you get the munchies, decide to get in the car to drive to Taco Bell for some Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes, and that you get into an accident, or get pulled over.  Or you find out that Taco Bell is closed because it is 3 AM and you've lost your perception of time.

    Medically, THC is a neurotoxin and repeated, frequent use will cause brain damage.  The effects of smoking cannabis on memory and cognitive function can last a month or so.  However, if you decide to experiment, cannabis is unlike many other drugs in that it is not physically addictive and there is no danger of overdose.  You may like it and want to smoke it again, but eventually, like me, you grow up and realize that smoking pot is really not all that fantastic.

  8. You could die from it seriously.  A friend of mine was hospitalized from smoking pot.  He had some sort of reaction and he's been smoking pot for years.  Let's just say he doesn't do it anymore.

  9. Some countries spray the pot with a pesticide or herbicide. Certain kinds of pesticides will kill the part of the brain that makes dopamine. Dopamine is the hormone that tells muscles to move.

    There are plenty of people in Los Angeles that are paralyzed from head to toe from this fate and they sit in wheel chairs all day, wide awake and unable to move a muscle.

    The problem is that when you buy stuff you don't know where it came from, it could have poison in it.

    Only buy from people who grow it in their houses.

  10. I seriously doubt anything is going to happen if you smoke pot 1 time. most likey, you wont feel anything.  If you do manage to  inhale, and actually smoke enough to feel something, just 2 or 3 hits is all you need, just don't go crazy and smoke the whole thing.  


  11. ok dude seriously no offense but do not listen to the people who say ive never tried it its the worst thing ever cuz honestly pot is not that bad if you smoke in moderation meaning not everyday but if you want to try it i say go for it you wont get addicted its not an addictive drug and it really does no harm to your body.

  12. DEATH!

    Unlikely but possible. You could have an alergic reaction to whatever you are smoking and there is no guarentee of the purity/quality of what you are purchasing so you may end up smoking pot laced with heroin or could be smoking something that isn't pot at all.

    Decriminalisation is a mistake its still illegal and doesn't change the quality.

    If we are going to tolerate drug taking make it legal and control the quality!

  13. Nope, no consequences for only doing it once, you might find your self slightly unmotivated, but other than that nothing will happen after only doing it once.

  14. The long arm of the law, ha-ha.

    Seriously? Well, the permanent damage to your brain cells and the loss of sexual drive.

  15. well josh.  to start, its quite obvious to me that the overwhelming majority of people on this answer have never done marijuana themselves, which wouldnt be so bad in and of itself, but they have also never done a hint of research beyond a "above the influence" commercial.  and thats not research.  

    let me start by saying this.  if some of the people on this page had done a HINT of research, they would have discovered:

    - weed does NOT kill brain cells

    - weed does NOT cause cancer

    - weed CAN be preventative against cancer

    - weed does NOT cause birth defects

    - weed does NOT decrease your sexual abilities

    - meow is a COMPLETE idiot, you can NOT overdose from weed

    - in fact, there is NOT even a toxic dose of weed.

    - weed is NOT addictive

    and thats just the starters.  if you try it once, chances are good you're not even going to get high, because most people dont on their first time.  you shouldnt get your answers from y!a because the vast majority of people on these forums have no idea what they're talking about, all they say is "dont do drugs dont do drugs" because they're uneducated and have not done the right research. if they had, they would know that weed can have many theraputic effects, and has been shown to be one of the most benign substances out there.  you should do your own research, get medical proof (which government sponsored anti-drug websites WONT have) and get factual solid evidence that weed is bad.  you wont get it because it doesnt exist. do your own homework on the subject.  educate yourself.  dont accept propaganda


  16. It does NOT kill brain cells. It is not addictive. It does not cause cancer or emphysema. Really try it, it's amazing.

    marijuana myths and facts:

    why it is REALLY illegal:

  17. Good grief, nothing bad can happen from smoking weed. Nothing. Only getting caught by the cops. I guess that is the worst thing that can happen.

    Give it a puff. You won't regret it and you won't end up on the streets.  

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