
Whats the worst thing that ever happend to you in your life? ?

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What are you most afraid of?




  1. the worst thing? getting bad grades

    most afraid of is being sad.

  2. When my dad left our family when I was age 7, I was so sad. I remember crying for days afterwards. He never came back. We were not allowed to speak of him or ask about him in our own home. My mother threatened to beat us senseless if she even heard his name mentioned.

    Twenty years later, my sister found him on the Internet (I don't know the details) and we were reunited with him because he was only a ferry ride away. Both my sister and myself moved to the mainland where he lived and got an apartment together, so we could visit him as often as possible. It was strange at first, being with this man who was my real dad, yet I didn't know him. Although I look exactly like him, it was odd at first getting to know each other. He told us stories about things he did and places he travelled all over the world. It was a great time of my life. We spent Christmas that year together. It was my most memorable.

    Only one year after we were reunited, my dad passed away. The circumstances surrounding his death were unusual. My sister and I were never told what his cause of death was. Nobody would give either of us any tangible information. This was the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. To this day, I have not gotten over it.

    What am I most afraid of? Abandonment. Being left behind with nobody around to be with me or to help me if I needed it (I have a mental illness). I have been abandoned in my life a few times. It is a fear worse than death - being left behind.

  3. worst thing? abuse and sexual molestation, all growing up, by my stepfather.

    Most afraid? i've been tackling my fears for a while, but my worst fear would have to be abandonment aka ending up alone. I also worry I'm unlovable, or not worthy of love (aka that my abuser was right).  

  4. The worst thing that has ever happened to me was getting bucked by a bull in was so scary! Not only did it take a nice chunck of skin, but also broke my camera. But hey, I'm not going to complain about a little cut on my chest when there are so many worse things that could have happened to me...

    My biggest fear is death! I'm so petrified of it...the thought gives me shivers, not just about myself passing away but also people that are dear to me like friends and family. The very thought is absouletley horrifiying!  

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