
Whats the worst thing that happened to you today?

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the worst thing for me,

my dad threw my kitten away today



im crying as i write this




  1. "threw" you cat away?

    What do you mean?

  2. Aw....poor thing. Don't be sad. Try to cheer up. Beg your dad one day to buy you a new cat okay? :] Cheer up!

  3. Oh ma gosh...

    what do you mean threw it away?

    Nothing bad has happened to me today...

  4. cheer up!

  5. He threw your cat away? What? Do you me he took it to the animal shelter? I am sorry you are crying.

  6. sorry u'r sad im goin on holidays today so im not sad but sorry.

  7. I'm sorry about your cat, my day really sucked too. I had to go out and see someone (not more than a 1/2-1hr thing) so I decided to take the bike. Because my dog was cooped up in the house I decided to take her along. By bike it's about 30 minutes at normal speed.

    Because she's 2 1/2 she's really energetic and hard to handle on a bike so I normally use a head halter (loops around the muzzle and behind the head) and leash. I left about an hour early expecting she'd get tired. Of course she did about 1/2 way. We stopped 5-6 times so I could let her sit down and have a rest and some water. I slowed down considerably over time to let her get to walking/trotting pace.

    When we were almost there my dog was lagging behind while going down the slope. Some lady I don't know approached me and accused me of animal cruelty. She said she would ring up and complain and she lectured for about 5-10 minutes. It was clear that she was out to condemn me and what could I have said? I was already regretting having taken my dog out so far, (first time I've ever done so), and we were only 5 minutes away from stopping completely. I asked her what exactly she expected me to do? I've never considered taking my dog for a walk using the bike an animal cruelty issue. I use the lead so that she doesn't annoy other pedestrians or run onto the road and the head halter so she doesn't pull me off the bike. I've NEVER gone down a hill dragging her along (I use the brakes). She loves to run.

    I can understand that people see things differently but what that woman did was cast judgment on me using her standards without even knowing the circumstances. As if I don't care about my dog! It really affected me to the point where I called the RSPCA to ask if it was animal cruelty. In short the answer was no but thinking about it, she really ruined my day. I take my dog out so she doesn't get bored. If I didn't care I'd be neglecting her. I wish I'd been able to tell that woman how hateful it was of her to subject her opinion on someone she didn't know or just walk away from her but I've never been that sort of person

  8. what on earth do you mean by threw your kitten away!?

  9. threw your kitten away? I hope ya dont use a garbage chute

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