
Whats the worst thing you've ever been through?

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Whats the worst thing you've ever experienced in your whole life? And how did it change you?




  1. drug addiction, I went through a recovery program.  I got to know myself and learned what kind of person I want to be.  It was hard and it still is hard sometimes but I'm not ashamed and I don't regret it because it has made me the beautiful person I am today.

  2. When my dad died when I was 7.

    I have been through 6 years of my life with no father, how do you think it's changed me? That's almost half of my life.

  3. When I was 14, by best friend suddenly committed suicide.  Two years later, I still don't know why.

    I had too many questions and not enough answers.  I missed my friend in more ways than I can describe.  I plunged into the blackness of depression, and a few weeks, I tried to follow her and almost killed myself too.

    That is the very short version.  The journey is still going on for me. I still hurt every day.  How have I changed?  I've become quieter  and more introspective.  My family says I've become more insecure and less trusting.  I think I have a better understanding of life and death, and just people in general.

    Please don't judge me and call me weak- depression is a monster that is nearly impossible to understand until one has faced it.  If you'd like more details or a longer version of what happened, you can visit my blog about this part of my life at

  4. I had got terrible diarrhea while I was in Iraq.  My stomach was hurting so bad.  I couldn't make it to our makeshift toilet so, I shat in a box.  It was pretty bad.  Maybe not the worst, but only 1 I could think of!  

  5. I once lost 4 family members in 3 years, 2 less than 6 months apart. But its almost been 10 years since the last one.

    I've heard people say "not a day goes by that I don't think about them" and before I thought it was baloney. But now I know its true.

  6. Having a knife shoved in my face and told to get the tills during an armed robbery at work. It didn't change me.

  7. I have experienced many "worst" things, so I cannot actually choose the "worst". How did it change me? I have no idea because these things have helped to SHAPE me, (not shouting, using emphasis lol) I would not be the person I am had these things not happened to me. What such experiences have taught me is to be more tolerant, more forgiving and more understanding. I live in the moment or the day, making "life-plans" is futile, not that I ever have lol, but it has made me even more aware that life can turn on it's axis in the blink of an eye. No matter what life throws at you, deal with it, learn from it and move on. That which doesn't kill you makes you strong, death is the only leveller. No matter what goes wrong in life, no matter it's twists and turns, if nobody died it can be sorted.  .  

  8. Living with my father and step mother for a couple of my p*****n years.  I have a lot of anger due to the way I was treated by them.  Now I also want nothing to do with them.

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