
Whats the worst thing your child has done?

by  |  earlier

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i mean behavior old were they and what did you do




  1. Well, for my family, this was the worst that happened:

    I was 11 and my sister was 13, we went downtown to hang out with a mutual guy friend at 5pm and forgot to tell anyone we were leaving. None of us had cellphones, and we lost track of time. Around 12am, we called home from a payphone asking for a ride home and asking if they could drive our friend home also.

    Then our friend forgot where he lived, because he had just moved to a new house. We spent 20 min. trying to figure it out. My dad thought he was drunk. (He wasn't, all we had done was window shop)

    Our punishment was that me and my sister weren't allowed to go see Cats! live the next day. I was quite upset about it.

    Then again, my houses only rule is nobody of the opposite s*x is allowed over. We're allowed to smoke, drink, stay out late, as long as no guys stay over. My sister broke that one and got grounded for 2 weeks.

    We're pretty easy-going, though.

  2. well its not my daughter/son but my sister who i have custody of is 14 and she was drunk at the mall up the road and she spewed in the fountain and then was arrested because she was underage and drunk in public.

    no jokes, things are slowly starting to get better though :)

    its really hard to look after a 14 yr old girl when i am only 19 myself.

  3. the worst thing i've ever done would have to be at this point was break into a school and tore up some files. got could though, i'm on probation. but that teacher ****** deserved it

  4. She took an ink pen to the leather chairs and the walls.  I washed the walls but I still can't get the ink out of the leather.  She was under 2 years old, I think.  I plan on replacing the chairs, hopefully soon.  Ugh!!!

  5. When I was 16 my friends and I went to Germany. We told are parents about it when we were IN Germany! So they were pretty P-O'd but whatever i had a good time and didn't get in trouble.

  6. Okay, well, I'm only fifteen, but I've babysat TONS of times.

    Let's see. The worst thing that has ever happened was my 4 year old cousin (3 at the time) wrote all over the wall and I spent about an hour cleaning it off while she was in time out.

  7. My son used to wake up early in the mornings and instead of coming and laying in bed with me or waking me up he decided it was more fun to be naughty, One morning he got the tub of drinking choclate powder an took it to my daughter who was in her cot (she was 11 mths and he was 2 1/2)it looked like a choclate bomb had exploded and i couln't resist taking a pic...

    Another time when he woke up early again grabbed a chair from the kitchen and pushed it all the way over to the hall where my car keys were hanging on a hook on the wall, he managed to get them down then he figured out how to open the screen door an he ran up the road to a neighbours house where he was trying to get into her house usuing my car keys to try unlocking her door, when she came out and found him she didn't know which house he had come from and he was too young to tell her where he lived so she called the cops...i woke up to an empty house an freaked out then ran outside to look for him and just as i did i saw the cop car go past with a little blonde head sitting in the front so i ran after the car yelling for them to stop (all the while im only wearing a pink silk slip on) but they didn't hear an kept on going so i had to call my partner who was working and tell him...he drove round town looking for the police car and when he found them he had to beep an flash his lights like crazy to get them to pull over!!!!

    Needless to say that was one of the scariest days of my life and now he know's if he ever tries anything like that again there will be very bad consequences for him!

  8. She cut her hair! Her bangs were gone to the scalp, and the back was up to her ears. it was terrible. I flipped out. I sent her to her room so I could go scream and not have her hear me. lol

    (She's 5. it was a few weeks before her birthday party in april.

    Darn hair still hasn't grown a bit.)

    Btw precious, Nail polish remover gets ink out of leather.

  9. Well, she's only 17 months old, and tonight she found and managed to open a jar of body lotion.  She smeared it all over our bedroom floor (luckily its hardwood), my dresser, nighttable and herself - she even had it in her mouth!  Natural consequences suck!  LOL.

    After wiping out her mouth with a facecloth and giving her some juice, she was fine - but a bit slippery!    

  10. This isn't my child but once my friend and I were babysitting her 2 year old niece and she did something soooo embarassing!  We decided to take her to a restaurant for dinner and we were all sitting there when a severely handicapped woman in a wheelchair came in with her family.  My friend's niece saw her and started pointing and laughing as loud as she could, I mean it was like yelling/laughing at the same time!  Well, my friend and I were just teenagers and really didn't know what to do so my friend acted like she was tickling her so the woman wouldn't think she was laughing at her.  Then we just left the restaurant without even finishing lol. It's not really funny but we laugh about it now because the woman didn't know she was being laughed at.  I think if she would have known I would have felt so bad for her.

  11. My kids are two and three so I haven't had much time yet.  The worst thing that has happened is my daughter took off her diaper and pooped in her bedroom.  I was blissfully unaware of it for a while as I was doing dishes.  When I walked in it was so horrible, it was diarrhea like p**p and she drove a truck through it.  It was ground into the carpet and all over several toys.  When she saw me she stuck a baby in the middle of the mess and told me the baby pooped!  I was horrified, yet all I could do was laugh.  Thank God for carpet shampooers.  She had just turned 2.

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