
Whats the worst thing your child or chilren have done.?

by Guest58220  |  earlier

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that was absurd........ that just got you going...

you know... :-) and really humiliated....

my daughter stared acting up like wetting the bed and hitting the baby and started acting like a baby.. after i had Ava,but that's normal..

but nothing really absurd... ha.. not yet! 3 of them are still young.

has your child done something that just Pressed your button?

and you just snaped? and what did you do or what would you to handle that (this) problem?

I'm just wondering?




  1. Both my kids went through a smearing poopie stage.  then an amusement with flushing the toilet.  but the worst thing both of them have done is sneak out of the house at wee hrs of the morning to go play at the neighbors at a very young age (2-3)  waking up not knowing where they where.  i freaked out.  And yes i spanked their little butts.  But they knew i meant business and it never happened more than that one time for each of them.

  2. my son took up with a lady a lot older than him self  and there was not a lot we cud do  ggrrrrrrrrr no one wanted to no  asked him not to have anything to do with this young lady but u no mails not a word would he have said about her by 16 he was a dad

  3. My son called me a b*ch at 5 years old......and no he didn't get that from home. I'm pretty sure it was from day care. He knew exactly how he was using it too.  

  4. Want a list? Lets see....

    deciding to ride her tricycle across the road because she wanted to play with her friend and my back was turned.

    painting a picture on the side of the fridge with the contents of her diaper, telling me to come see and then having a fit when I removed her masterpiece.

    yelling "help! child abuse!" out her bedroom window because I told her it was bed time and she thought it would force me to let her stay up later.

    I'm sure I could think up a few more. That's just her early years before she was a teenager. I won't even start talking about my son. lol

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