
Whats the worst thing youv ever smelled?

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Whats the worst thing youv ever smelled?




  1. I once found a sea sponge on the beach while on vacation.  I put it in a cardboard box and went to friends of the family.  I didn't go in the car for the whole weekend and I'll you what, when I got back in, both my Mom and I gagged.  I've smelled some pretty bad things in my life, that takes the cake.

  2. All these things sound pretty bad. For me it's mouse urine. My daughter used to keep them as pets. Their urine is god-awful.

  3. vehicles where people died in and lay there for long periods of time...the smell never goes away , one has to change the interior....

  4. spoiled milk.

  5. rotten chicken.

    i grabbed it from the fridge and ran it ouside like it was on fire!

  6. sour bathrooms

  7. The portle potty being cleaned on a windy day at P.E

  8. A tie between wet socks and my ex-husband's hair which smelled like aged old cheese.

  9. feet really stinky!!!! ones too

  10. sum 1 put a dead fish in my friends car and it was there for about 2 months before we found it

  11. A small white chunk from the back of my throat.

  12. 2 days ago, my son woke up in a pile of vomit and diarrhea. That was one of the worst smells I've ever experienced.

  13. my mom's bf's f**t

  14. skunks

  15. when somebody farts and it smells of rotten eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. My new siamese kitten, Hershey....her butt STINKS!

  17. lunch at an elementary cafeteria

  18. My neighbor's apartment across the hall.

  19. hmmmm...hard question

    ill say this one guys f**t at school

    i almost threw up

  20. Giving my dad toilet paper while he's taking a c**p!

  21. my cousin's feet! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! xP

  22. A skunk that has sprayed. Totally unbearable!

    Why is this question in the Water Sports category? For the life of me, I'm not getting the connection.

  23. I was at a party, and someone puked on the BBQ...

    The smell of burning vomit will haunt me until I die...

  24. In general I'd have to say dead animals or dog poo

  25. I was in a halloween costume store and this dude just farted it was totally gross I mean the stinkiest ever and couldn't help but ran out.

  26. wacky tobacky

  27. rotten fish the smell is really horrible

  28. I was working construction on a hot day in Hawaii.I smelled something funny. I went around the corner and the smell was coming from a styrofoam coffee cup with its lid on. Some painter smelled it too and kicked it over. f***s poured out and the painter started to puke. It was the worst smell ever! I must say whoever filled that cup sure had good aim.

  29. A dead person.

  30. the worst thing that i ever smelled is a dead man . he was not found for four day after he died .in a apartment just below where i was living.he had falling out of his wheel chair and when he hit the ground he busted open he was only about eleven feet away for my apartment . the apartment owner said he thought the man went to visit his family because nobody had seen him for four days

  31. A drain. It was rank.

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