
Whats the youngest age of a baby you can adopt from...?

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Korea, China or Vietnam

my aunt just adopted a baby girl from vietnam and she was 7 months when she and her husband went to pick her up

is that the youngest?

im just wondering, thankss (:





  1. Well the youngest I've heard from a poster on this board was age 0.

    You know the mom "Promised" the unborn child and in that paps mind the unborn child was therefore hers. She even called social services on the mom when she decided to keep her child. Oh, sorry that was a domestic case. Internationally paps don't spend enough time abroad to find or meet the real mothers.

    Hopefully by the time your old enough to adopt foreign gov'ts will step up and aid struggling mothers so their children won't be drug half way across the globe.

  2. There are children that get adopted days after being born... so no this wouldn't be the youngest.

  3. I don't know how it works in Asia. But, I am a birthmother who gave my son up at birth. He was officially adopted 2 days later. My state had no period for birthparents to change their mind. So, he was 2 days old when adopted.

  4. About 6 months for Korea and China, however Vietnam is closed to adoptions now and the wait time for a chinese infant is years and years with the wait list growing. If you would like to do more research on international adoption in the mean time, try

  5. You know have a lot of knowledge to impart to people. I wonder why you choose to be aggressive and accusatory about it. Do you really think this kid asking this question knows anything at all about the horrors that can happen with adoption? Why don't you use your passion and information to teach instead of to accuse...don't you think you will spread the greater good through teaching as compared to this? I do. I have learned from you - but I am an adult - and I sought out information because of you. My mind was blown. I had no idea - but other people will just be hurt by you...and go on their merry way. I think your heart is in the right place - your attack just needs refinement.  

  6. In China, the babies must be at least 6 months old before they are made "paper ready" for adoption. The average age for a healthy infant is 10-12 months.

    Also, many APs indicate an age preference in their letter to the CCAA (the governing body that regulates adoptions in China) that states they are hoping to adopt a child under (whatever age) at time of placement. However, your age preference is low on China's priority list as they are finding families for children, not placing orders. There have been APs who requested a child under 10 months and received an 18 month old, while others who requested over 12 months, received a 10 month old.

    There is also a theory that China places younger children with younger parents, however that is also not always the case. We were the youngest in our group and received the youngest baby (9 months), however, the oldest parents (46) also received a 9 month old, while the next youngest couple (35) received a 19 month old.

    I think anyone who is looking into adopting internationally should research both infant and toddler adoption.

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