
Whats the youngest you've heard of someone getting there first car?

by  |  earlier

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In australia we get our L's(learners permit) at 16 so we start a little late. My dad said he is planning to buy me a car for my 16th which is a little strange because ill only still be learning :) but ah well :).

Anyways have you heard of any teen/teens parents buying them a car at a young age before they'd even have there license?




  1. also in australia, i was 13 when i got my first car so i could learn 2 drive without being on the roads, but yea being in counrty had property where could do this legally.. lots of the other kids had cars around same time.

  2. 9. My friend's cousin is very spoilt.

  3. yup i got my truck when i was 15 before i even got my permit and my best friend got a car when she got her permit

  4. I know of parents (of boys) that have bought them "fixer-uppers" to work on at 14-15.....that way they had time to fix up their ride before they got their license. Here in the U.S.,you can't operate a motor vehicle legally until your 16.

  5. I know of people getting a car at 15 or 16. I'm in Australia too. Maybe he's getting you a car cause he doesn't want you crashing his or something lol. Anyway that's nice of him. Most of my friends had to save up and get their own car.

  6. yes, i have my friends father bought her a car , but when he did she had her learners permit already

  7. I was 16 and bought it myself.

  8. 15,16

  9. I'm an aussie too... and at the moment I'm 16 (IVE FINISHED MY 120 HOURS... WOOOOO)... when I'm 17 i am buying my mum's  car... but one of my rich friends got a car for their sixth birthday (it was a Merc...). But he is rich.... i don't really think that counts

  10. 13

  11. 15

  12. Here in England you can't learn until your 17, my sis just passed her test and is about to get her first car :D

    Some of her friends have had cars since they were 16-but they couldn't drive them.

  13. I got my first match box car when I was 5

  14. i heard of this guy that won the lottery and gave his baby a Ferrari and a hummer, so id say one is the youngest

  15. 11. But there was land for him to drive it on legally.

  16. im 9 and i have my first car

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