
Whats this 1990's computer game..??

by  |  earlier

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it was a old computer game that started out wit 2 balls bouncing off the walls..and you had to cut down the walls slowly until the balls were seperated and had no place to move..




  1. jezzball

  2. lol, i remember that game, it rules :D... though i played it on Windows 2000

  3. ping pong  and it was 80's actually.

  4. jezz ball

  5. pong  

  6. Jezzball for the win. Used to come standard with Windows 3.11 and some versions of Win95. Great little distraction

  7. While Jezzball is the most likely one you remember, the original was Qix, from 1981.

    Of course, when you mention balls, it's likely Jezzball or if you remember the old DOS version that I first played, Xonix.

    It's a popular game, and many clones have been made.

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