
Whats this about a New Cold War with Russia, what the heck is going on I thought they were on our side?

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are they on our side or against us. the news doesn't seem to really tell much




  1. they fooled us.

  2. The owner of Russian industry has decided by this action to lock out foreign investment.  It is difficult to understand why he would not just accept gold bricks as bribery rather than turning the steel mills, and oil  & gas operations over to the party faithful.  So much sweat and tears by the Russian people.  And one guy decides to be the dictator. Gosh, this is the classic move of a short term maximizer.  

  3. Bush is accusing Putin of trying to bring back cold war antics in the world........ but in all truthfulness, nobody abides more to the communist manifesto then that of our american banking institutions and the democratic party, yes Communism and Democracy are products of the Illuminati out of germany.

    Democracy by definition is :

    DEMO , meaning MOB

    OCRACY , meaning RULE

    just compound them, you have MOB RULE, that is our democracy in the united states, were no different than our enemies.

    I can bet all these tensions are being led by the Worldbank behind the scenes, our governments are just bobbleheads walking down the middle and keeping all distracted with entertainment.

  4. Nobody is on anybody's side.

    George Washington was right about short-term allies, and political parties.

    Did you read the article in TIME?

  5. Your mainstream media and their corporate owners are simply spouting the party line.  When will Americans realize they are still being lied to, time and time again? Go to the following websites for the real story behind the headlines:

  6. The idea of a "New Cold War" has to do with the current war with Georgia over South Ossetia, and the fact that Georgia was about to join NATO - inspectors of the port of Sachi were to arrive (this) week.

    This bodes ill for the future diplomacy between Russia and NATO countries. There is the notion that this will likely result in a resumption of the Cold War.

    According to Russia, Georgia was the aggressor who bombed and ran tanks through southern Russian towns in North Ossetia.

    Russia, like most/all countries, is on its own side. Alliances are made when both sides see that as advantageous.

  7. On our side" not on your bippy friend, the only people we here in the US consider on our side, are those that toe the line and take orders from us, and that leaves any independent nation that thinks for themselves out.


      Iran at one time was our ally, until they wouldn't take orders anymore, same goes for Cuba, Iraq, and most other small countries that cannot defend themselves.

      Why should Russia even begin to ally themselves with the US after we have done everything to alienate them, such as the fuss about Russia proposing to place missiles in Cuba at the request of Castro, and now we are attempting to place missiles on Russia's border.

      And how about supplying the Afghans with military equipment with which to fight against Russia.

      And we allow Israel to go into Lebanon with no reservations and build settlements on captured Palestinian land, yet condemn the Russians and tell them they cannot do the same in Georgia.

  8. There is no new cold war, just the same one waking up from it's hibernation.  It's hungry and in a bad mood.

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