
Whats this death disease called that you inherit?

by  |  earlier

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my uncle had it and his father had it. they are both dead.

it is caused by the wriring in the brain and basically you can just drop dead at any time. It is heriditery and very rare. I frogot the name of it does someone know the answer?




  1. I don't know if this is what you are thinking of but a brain aneurysm is when there is a weak arterial wall of a blood vessel, it balloons out and ruptures causing nearly immediate death.  There are a lot of things that can go wrong with the brain.  If it is a brain aneurysm that you are thinking of you can have a CT scan done to see it.  Recommend seeing a neurologist  they are the specialists with brain pathophysiology.  Most likely if you do inherit it, preventative meausures can be taken to make sure it doesn't happen.

  2. is it brain tremor?

  3. Imam Ali says

    for ur this world try as much as if u r going to live for ever, but for ur hereafter try as if would die tomorrow, My friend dont worry at all ok just believe that u r gonna live for ever. and if u believe that u inherit whatever diesease u mean just throw that believe away.

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