
Whats this mean its part of an eu speach about border control?

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The Commission is presenting a package of three Communications to reinforce every dimension of border control that is border checks, border surveillance and operational coordination thereby promoting truly integrated border management and paving the way for a revamped control strategy which would meet the challenges of a globalised world.




  1. It means that after a 6 week all expenses paid trip for "fact finding" trip for a "committee" of twenty EU MEP's and associated "hangers on" to a nice beach resort somewhere in the EU, they will recycle some garbage clap trar reprot which was previously published some 5-6 years ago, the last time the general public got "upset" about the lack of EU  border controls.

  2. I think that this means that we will no longer be able to control who is let in to Britain anymore and that Brussels can send as many of their Eurotrash layabouts, unwanted immigrants(African and Asian,) and criminals that we British people will lose the majority here and be forced to accept their oppressive laws.

    We will be second class citizens in our own homeland,

    Three cheers for the traitor Gordon Brown- nose for selling us all out to people that hate us and will suck us dry.

  3. Smoke and Mirrors

  4. The Commission is going to issue three instructions to ensure that all existing instructions on border control is understood, hoping that this will result in the same rules being applied throughout the EU.  This will eventually lead to new instruction on dealing with border control from across the world.

    They sure know how to complicate simple statements with officialese - perhaps because most of them are not native English speakers and rely on translation machines

  5. Essentially, it means that the EU are going to issue guidelines to all the EU member states, suggesting how border controls should be exercised, so that all the countries in the EU will use the same methods of border control.

    For "guidelines" read "new EU laws".

    Yet more interference from the EU in national sovereignty.

  6. More EU garbage...they'll print the exact same thing in a few years time when we have the next immigration crisis. Nothing will change, they are fools, and us more so for believing in them.

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