
Whats this "kool aid" reference i keep seeing?

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what does it refer to? tom wolfe's book? or is it just something to say because you heard someone else say it - kind of monkey see , etc




  1. Kool Aid, is stereotype referring to Black Americans who enjoy things like (these are stereotypes): fried chicken, grape soda/juice, kool aid, watermelon, etc.

  2. Several hundred of Jim Jones followers drank cyanide laced koolaide when he told them it was time to die.  Koolaide drinkers blindly follow the party leaders.

  3. Jim Jones made his followers drink cyanide in the Kool Aid.

    Like when Fox News indoctrines all the blind sheep in this country.

  4. It's a term that's used in contexts similar to "tin foil hat" or "neocon."

  5. Sounds like its a reference about the rebublicans. Bush had them drinking that stuff for many years. :)    Now a new guy wants to introduce new flavore.....well in his case it would be like bringing back the "classic" flavore... coz, you know - hes OLD!!!   lol    :)

  6. Jim Jones convinced his followers to drink poison laced flavoraid. But it was called Kook Aid by the media. So anytime someone says you are drinking the Kool Aid it means you are following the party line.

  7. It means you blindly follow whatever someone tells you without ever questioning whether it is right or not. Rush Limbaugh ditto heads are a perfect example of a Kool-Aid drinker.................  

  8. "Drink the Kool-Aid" is a reference to the Jim Jones mass suicide in Guyana.

    Today it means, following blindly your leader or ideology, without question or thought.

    When someone says, "drink the kool aid" it usually refers to the fact that the person is unintelligent, non-thinking and blinded by the rhetoric.

    It is an insult levied against those who follow any idea or leader without question or thought.

  9. You have problems putting thoughts together I see.

    Obamanites blindly follow Obama just like the koolaid drinking Jim Jones fools.

    The extreme left are the biggest koolaid drinkers of all. And all these morons who slurp up all the swill that the daily kos spews out on a daily basis.

    As far as I know, the koolaid reference was started by Bill OReilly.

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