
Whats typically meant by an "engagement class" ?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering...trying to figure out what it is and if its something people typically take..




  1. It is a class to learn how to relate to people. Engage others in conversation. Usually to promote a more pleasant working environment.

  2. Most people call it prenuptial counseling or something to that effect.  It's meant to help you learn how to be married, to give it the simplest answer.  You learn about fighting fair, setting goals together, talking about life plans before you get married, talking about what you both expect from each other once you get married (you'd be surprised how important it is to have that conversation, people think it's just common sense, but everyone's opinion is different), stuff like that.  As far as prenuptial counseling, most ministers require at least a session or two.  For the classes, I'm not sure how many people take them, but it sounds like a good idea in this day and time, where divorces are happening left and right.

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