
Whats up wit Osama Bin Laden?

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I know hes behind 9/11. but what else did he do? Also could the black water be searching for him? Or are they just for war.




  1. He's already served his purpose, uniting the American people to get them behind the administration's war efforts. As far as the administration is concerned, they could care less if Ban Laden is ever caught.

  2. I've thought for the past few years that we might have people from the CIA or some other secret agency looking for Bin Laden, infiltrating his organization, trying to get close enough to him to kill him.  But it seems to me that if we were really doing that, we would have caught or killed him by now.

    I think it was never really about Bin Laden to begin with.  When a president wants to go to war it helps to have a face, a personality for Americans to hate, to be angry with.  Bin Laden served in that capacity, and it might be that the Bush Administration decided he was more valuable in that way alive than dead.  After all, killing him would not really solve anything, Al Quaeda would still go on and some other crazy Islamo-n**i would take Bin Laden's place.

    Still it makes the administration look hypocritical when Bush began the war in Afghanistan saying it was all about Bin Laden, bringing him to justice, dead or alilve, and then after we failed to find him saying that he was never important in the first place.

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