
What`s up with Russia going rambo every ten or so years and attacking a small country?

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soo dude (the second person who answered), you seriously think we should have let kosovo alone and let all those girls get tortured by slobodan? You are one twisted sob.




  1. Pretty much what we do to. They have their reasons and we have ours. No difference.  

  2. They want to show they still got it.  Not that I agree!

  3. Well I grew up in Anchorage, Alaska around a lot of Russians. Russians are pretty much ghetto white people. I dont mean ghetto in a bad way cause I consider myself that way too. They really dont give a ****. I had a good friend named Vova...his name was actually Vladimyr P., anyhow he said that hes middle class. His family cant even afford a car. and that the kgb still roams the streets snatching young guys and forcing them to join. They also are the least pc people ever and are smart as a dime. He was studying quantaum theory and was like 22. I was 19 at the time and I was studying political science. He was actually kind of negative about America until he met me and my friends. He saw that not all Americans are superficial and money hungry. They are putting their children in math and science and we wont even fix our failing schools. He was also kind of racist. Also oddly enough he loved black people :) He could rap very well and he said everyone there listens to hip hop. He's racist against Arabs which is unfortunate because I deeply dislike all racism and I told him that. I could tell it went in one ear and out the other. He said him and his friends almost killed an Arab guy because he was trying to rape his girlfriend. I dont know the truth about that cause obviously I wasnt there but they have a whole different mentality there.

      The best thing you can do if you truly want to understand someone is to ask that person directly. Find a Russian person and ask them whats up. From what I have seen Russians are some gangsta *** white folks

  4. Isn't that pretty much what we do, Iraq, Kosovo, Iraq, Panama, Grenada,,,

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