
Whats up with all the crazy weather? its freak n me out a bit lol?

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ok id want freak n answers that i cnt understand so plz stay 10 pts. thanks for ur time...and wat i mean by "the crazy weather" is the flooding in indiana and the tornados....earthquakes...and awful storms




  1. its called global warming...hello where have you been?

    unlike certain North Americans who seem to want to just wish it away and continue their way(s) of life....Global warming is a very dangerous cannot wish it away or just ignore it.....

    as the Earth heats up due to excess CO2 (Carbon Dioxide.....) just doesn't mean its hot in one country it means the whole EARTH heats up...along with the north pole..with its enormous ice just waiting to melt and cause water levels to rise.......and all the inactive volcanoes...and fissures in earth too....

    So we have to quit messing with Mother Earth....because when she messes you back.....your dead...we all are dead.....

  2. I think its from global warming. They said a while ago on the news that global warming caused a freak sand storm that buried a whole bunch of people alive.

  3. Revelations is on us! At least you recognized the ""signs of the times.""

    Now what you need to do is get plugged into a Pentacostal faith or Church of God in Christ church so that you will learn that with Jesus near (in your heart) there is no need to fear!

    The pastor will preach the message that God wants you to know about.

    Like the church folks say ""He's coming soon!""Be ready!""

  4. Read the Bible!

    Matthew 24

    Its the last days!

  5. I know! there was an f-2 tornado that touched down here last night it was crazy a bunch of trees are down and houses are messed up!

  6. The earthquakes are a result of the New Madrid fault line. The flooding, tornadoes, and other severe weather are a result of frontal boundaries primarily. Right now, a cold front is moving through the Midwest, and is producing a lot of severe weather.

  7. Everyone seems to think that global warming just means that every place is going to get warmer. But it means storms are going to get fiercer, there will be more flooding in some areas, more rain in some areas, more and stronger hurricanes, hotter and drier in some areas. It means the ice caps melt and sea levels rise. It means that some areas will experience colder, harsher winters but that they might not last as long.

    So, when people say to you that global warming isn't true because they just had the coldest winter they've experienced in a long time or that it wet and cool, they are wrong. It doesn't just mean that it's going to be warmer everywhere. They need to look at the science.

    And as for the religious aspect, people have been saying that since biblical times. You can't live your life in fear that it's "the end of times" or else you will never enjoy what life you have.

  8. I wish we could get some of that crazy weather. Where I live, it's been bone dry all year. The next week's weather is more of the same - temperatures in the high 90s, clear skies, and strong winds.

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