
Whats up with japan saying that dok-doh (독도) is their land...?

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i dont get it..

why is japan saying that dok-doh is their land


its been korea's land in the beginning and it still is

i know that since dok-doh is korea's land, koreans can fish in that area

but now out of nowhere, japan comes in and says its their land and are already re-writing children's learning books that dok-doh is their land




  1. did you know.

    japan never said sorry about the war and invasion of sweet sweet korea?

    they banned books from America talking about it!

    How stupid that government.

    right now, they are pretending that never happened

  2. I don't have anything against Japan and its people but it's begining to annoy me.

    First they invade Korea and claim all this land that isn't theirs (not only from Korea) and then claim 독도 as their land....

    It might be the reason why they claimed so much land as theirs. (True reason, I don't know, but it might be the same reason why there's a pointless war in Iraq...)

  3. j*p*nis can f off. i cant believe they are trying to even claim dokdoh is theirs when in the past, they've admited that it was part of Korea. but i also gotta admit that our president 2mb is s*king j*p's c***. he better shape up and get things fixed.

  4. Ahh... the dillema of disputing a small group of islets officially occupied by only 2 residents...

    Korea's claims on Dokdo go much farther than Japan's.   As far back as Shilla period.

    Japan's claims isn't just something that happened out of the blue.  It did colonize Korea for 40 years.  Japan annexed Dokdo to the Shimane prefecture in 1905.

    If you have to weigh both countries' arguments, Korea's would come out ahead.

    As to your question:  What's up with Japan?...

    The issue is economic.  Dokdo is rich with fish.  There's potentially 13 million tons of seafood for harvesting there annually.  There's potentially gas deposits under the waters near the islets.   In these days of global energy crisis, is it any wonder why Japan's nationalists are renewing their claims with government support?

  5. Japanese a long time ago, when japan took over, the island was so small, they decied to take it because, they thought they had power, but they really dont

  6. I read somewhere that japan is slowly sinking so they are trying their best to obtain land even if it means stealing.

  7. japan이 우긴다..독도는 우리 땅!!

    lol sry for the mixed answer i speak a lot of konglish sometimes...

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