
Whats up with my cat?

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My 12 yo cat has started pulling her fur out. She's regularly treated for fleas and her vacs are up to date. Also she's got really fussy with her food.

Any idea whats up with her?




  1. dude she old. have you ever been around old people before cats are just the same but worse my cat when he turned 11 he started eating more and got really lazy he never wanted to go outside but the doctor said he was just getting older. But i don't know  really know you should take her to the vet and get her checked out.

  2. Let the cat do what it wants to let it spend it's last years happy

  3. We haves one who has done this on and off since she was a kitten - it seems to be stress related. Best to try to keep her happy and calm.

  4. Did you get a new animal recently or has there been any changes going on around there?  It's one of two things: stress or allergies.  With one of my cats it was stress when a new cat came around.

  5. Look in the environment for something, like pollution in the rain?  poisonous plant in the bathroom?  washing powder on the cat blanket?  your hand cream?

  6. If you dont give her enough attention then shes always bored and she has nothing else to do but over groom and pull her fur out. I suggest that you play with her twice a day to release her energy.

  7. take her to the vet

  8. Fur pulling can sometimes be a response to stress or pain such as arthritis or a sore mouth.  Bearing in mind her age, it's a good idea to have a vet check her over.

    In the meantime, the web site below has an article on skin allergies and fur pulling which may help.

    Hope she's feeling better soon.

  9. Take her to the vet a.s.a.p. I do have to say that she's old but an animal that is pulling out its fur is either sick, stressed, or showing that there is more than something wrong than just fleas. Once the animal starts to pull out its fur it will eventually inflict dermal damage by puncturing holes into the skin. If the wound gets infected, and we're taking age into account, the cat's immune system will probably have a harder time fighting the bacteria that gets into the wound thus causing the cat to have a higher risk of infection. If your cat is starting to become fussy about its diet, than you might have to change it to a senior's diet formula or to a diet that agrees with your cats dietary needs. Ask your vet about that as well. There is a food diet called science diet that has a formula that deals with dermal issues. I know this food is made for dogs but I'm sure that there is a diet out there that deals with the same issues for cats as well. The fussiness might also be due to its discomfort due to its current itching situation.
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