
Whats up with my chipped tooth?

by  |  earlier

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I chipped one of my front teeth tonight with a beer bottle. its a very small chip, but i can definitely tell its there. should i get it fixed? or am i making a big deal out of nothing?




  1. If its irritating or pinching then go to a dentist and get it smoothed & polished. otherwise, forget it forever.

  2. you should get it looked at. wait till your next check up if you want, if it's small it's unlikely to cause problems. chips can sometimes do nothing, but some need fixing (they occasionally get infected, cause pain and that kind of thing).

    and don't open beer bottles with your teeth anymore (if that's how it happened).

  3. it will smooth out over time.

  4. Go to a dentist and fix it i couldn't live knowing that piece of my front tooth is chipped.

  5. As with all teeth with any chip/hole, it needs to be patched up. Over time, if you don't patch it, bacteria will get into the tooth and eat away the interior and affect your roots, you may even lose your tooth and require surgery. Please take care of your tooth like you would your little finger. Go see a good dentist. If you lose a tooth, it will even cost you thousands to repair it.  

  6. fix it.Go to the dentist, let him/her take a good look at it.

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