
Whats up with my dam friends or even if they are my friends?

by  |  earlier

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ok I'm not out with my sexuality i have reasons not to be ........

ill tell you what happened yesterday and today

ok so yesterday i was sitting on the ground and my friend said who sat behind me said its ok for guys to be with guys but not ok for d**e'S to be with girls and she said it in a mean way like directly to me and walked off with this boy

ok so today i was in choir today and my friend same person sang "im comeing out i want tthe world to know i got to let it show" song but she did it in a way to make fun of me after singing the song looked at my other friend laughing and i can tell by the way they were looking it was ahem.. you know shes not there even though were makeing fun of her in front of her face ok my friend made me join so im kinda like yeah its ok i like it but i dont like being in a class with her

and see i dont want to be pushed to come out even though she suspects it and others but its really mean and disrespectful to me i wouldnt push anyone to say something they didnt because she knows she doesnt like lesbians and i cant get out of choir once im in it im screwed

SO question is any of your thought on this ??? and pleas dont tell me to tell her that would be a no k....




  1. Just stop being her "Friend" she sounds like a real b***h so dont associate yourself with her. It sounds to me like she already knows your a L*****n so to h**l with her.

  2. youre friend seems like a  butt. try talking to her about why she feels that way without actually telling her that you bi/les. if shes really like that. loose her. you deserve better friends.

  3. yikes... that girl sounds petty and childish. you definitely deserve a better friend. if it were me i would start distancing myself from her cuz it seems like where ever she goes, drama isn't to far behind.

  4. at sleep away camp the came thing happened to me

    she called me rainbow, she sung "I'm commin out"

    she tried to walk in on me and my gf (we heard her coming and stopped)(i was lucky tho)

    but u gotta s***w the haters

    ignore her cuz she has no hardcore edvidence that you are L*****n so...don't give her one

    come out when u r ready

  5. Yeah...I wouldn't really be spending much time with her if her attitude is very derogatory like that. Too much stress on you with not much friendship in return it sounds. Focus on other people who aren't so two-faced.  

  6. You dont have to be pressured to do anything you dont want to. If she keeps bullying you like this then I'm sorry but she's not your friend. If I were you I'd find someone a little more respectful.

  7. She sounds like a total a**hole. A real friend would not care about your sexuality, and would be supportive of you, not making fun of you. Tell her where to get off. She is a homophobe...even if she is for g**s, you say shes against lesbians...homophobic pure and simple. You deserve better.

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