
Whats up with my gerbil????

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i have had both of my gerbils for around a month now. one of them is kinda not interested in anything and is really lazy, she alway has been though. she is getting thin. i know that she is eating but not how much. once in a while ill look over and she will be eating. she runs on the wheel all the time but if i try to pick her up she squeaks. if i put her down she runs and hides under the water bottle spout. whats up with her?????? i handle them everyday. like twice throughout the day. every once in a while i hear one of the squeaking under the hut, i just can't figure out wich one and why. the other one seems to be more normal, she runs around crazily and when i pick her up shes like all of the other ones at the pet store, try to run on my arms and up my shirt. the other one just sits there with her ears back. is she not tamed or stressed or something??? WHATS UP WITH HER??????




  1. Idk try introducing them in a better environment  

  2. Is the other gerbil a boy... It looks like your going to be a grandpa!

    please go to my hamster site and tell me your hamsters name for one of my pages. The site is under construction.

  3. Well, I know you aren't stupid but if you got them from a pet store it's very possible.  It happened to me.  One kept chasing the other all over the place.  I picked both of them up and checked and I'm saying to myself "these guys both look different!".  So instead of having just a pair of gerbils I had to separate them and get more gerbils of the same s*x.  It happens very often.  

    You probably have a hyper gerbil there that isn't used to you.  The trick is with them to leave your hand still in the cage for a while so they get used to your scent and to feed them treats.  Gerbils sometimes are difficult getting used to you if you bought them from a pet store because most of the time these breeders have so many gerbils they don't give them enough human attention.  

    Gerbils squeak to each other to communicate with each other.  I notice that a lot with mine when one is grooming the other and doesn't want to be groomed.  

    I do have one female gerbil that is thin.  She won't eat most of her food unless it's the fattening stuff like sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds.  If you take those out of the food dish they will eventually eat what's there.  Don't fill up their dish until the food is all gone. Otherwise, they know they can pick and choose what to eat and won't eat what's in their dish.  My gerbil is either picky or she could be the runt of the litter.  She is active and alert otherwise.  

    Do you have them in a loud environment?  Gerbils can become stressed out very easily and that can make them very hyper and skittish.  You probably just have very active gerbils.  They can move very quickly especially when you try picking them up.  Just leave your hand motionless in the cage for a week or so without trying to pick them up.  Maybe after that they will calm down around you.  Give them a few treats here and there too.  

  4. Keep an eye on them and if it does the same thing in 3 more days take her to the pet store where you got her. If she squeaks when you pick her up she might wanna be left alone for a while. Just for one day don't touch them just look to see if there fine.

    DON'T TOUCH 4 A DAY!!!!

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