
Whats up with my helmet??

by  |  earlier

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dude i have a revo for football.. and it kills my forehead... and my neck... like my neck is so swollen like it hurts to swallow.... am i just not used to it being so heavy.. the season just started




  1. Sounds like it has an idiot inside of it.

  2. Your Helmet probably has too much air...same thing happened to me at the beginning of the season last year and it's partly to blame htat you haven't worn a helmet in so long your neck muscles need to get used to it...if all else falls ask for a larger helmet from your coach.

  3. Maybe your going to die. that would be my diagnosis, considering i am a pretend doctor. like the guy on the old spice commercialz.

  4. It protects your head when you fall over!

  5. It might be too pumped up with air. Have your trainer relieve some air pressure from it. Also if its hurting your forehead use a skull cap or cut off sleeve on your head during practice. I wouldn't use it during a game though, as it's against NFHS rules to wear anything underneath your helmet.

  6. It might have to much air. Also, remember it takes a little time to break it in.

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