
Whats up with my toe nail?

by Guest63918  |  earlier

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So ever since i was 16 (I'm 24 now) my toe has been acting strange..and gross. What happens is it starts to look like there's a bruise under my nail and if i play with it enough my toe nail will eventually come off pretty easy with out it hurting. and it looks like there's already another nail growing underneath of it to replace it. Why does this happen and only with this toe? Ive taken it off a total of 3 or 4 times and that's only because i didn't want to take it off more. Can someone explain this to me.




  1. you probably have a fungus try using some tea tree oil or even soaking your feet in a mixture of corn meal & water for ten minutes twice a week.

  2. So you have that one nail that falling off. This is actually caused by a fungus known as onychomycosis. And this is caused by a group of fungus called dermatophytes. This is more common in the big toe nail and little toe nail. It is contagious and can be hereditary. This condition is very common and nothing to be ashamed of.

    The most common signs that you have a nail fungus: A change in the nail or fingernail, it just looks different. Advanced stages of infection, can have a thick, peeling nail that can be white, brown, yellow and sometimes black, and this can spread to other nails around the infected nail.

    Signs of the infection "onychomycosis", usually begin at the tip of the nail, and then spreads to under the nail where it causes it to seperate from the nail bed.

    Now a yeast fungus is a little different. A yeast infection in the nail is painful, and the area around the nail becomes red and swollen, and pus can be present as well. I would consult a doctor on this one.

    Make sure you dry off feet after bathing and exercise, Don't share personal items such as towels and shoes, and keep nails trimmed.

    Some natural home remedies for this condition are: Tea tree oil is a highly recommended one put a few drops on your toenails daily and rub it in.

    Apple Cider Vinegar is my grandmothers favorite remedy, soak your feet in warm apple cider vinegar for 10-15 minutes daily, thoroughly drying after. And you should notice a difference after a couple of days, she says use once a week there after to prevent it from comming back.

    My neighbor suggests rubbing vicks vapor rub on infected nail, no report on if this works or not.

    Oregano essential oil is also recommended, you apply this daily to affected toenail for two weeks.

    I also read that a listerine soak would help in killing the bacteria around the toe.

    Good luck!

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