
Whats up with people wearing hard hats at a ground breaking ceremony?

by  |  earlier

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I mean what are they afraid of? A fellow shoveler going postal with a dirt clod?




  1. Under the present administration, hard hats were mandated for all present at any ground breaking ceremony. This mandate became necessary because a friend of the administration, who happens to manufacture and sell hard hats, found his bottom line shrinking due to the sad state of the economy. Consequently, his contributions to this political party also shrunk.  Not being able to accept reality, administration saw the opportunity to help this friend boost his earnings by the aforementioned mandate.

  2. They wear them for the same reason politicians take off their jackets and roll up their sleeves when they want people to think that they are actually working.

  3. Blame the lawyers.  Your question speaks of common sense, which has no place in the sue anyone anytime mentality of the west.  Also blame those who took advantage of loopholes to sue large companies.

  4. Silly as it may be .. they are at a construction site ... so probably by law are required to wear hard hats for their safety.

  5. LoL. No clue, probably a safety precaution.

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