
Whats up with the Black Hole creation going on in September?

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Why do some believe it to be the end of the world?




  1. Large Hadron Collider?

    Chances are it will not create any black holes, and if it does then they would be so small they would instantly dissipate or pass harmlessly through the earth.

    Some people think it will be the end of the world simply because of the possibility that it will create a black hole.

  2. Why do some believe in BigFoot...

  3. its the d**n name.

    Large Hadron Collider.

    nearly everyone... (that is, EVERYONE with a gun rack in their pickup) is confused by "Hadron".  Some of the brightest figure Hadron was a Roman Emperor.  Those dyslexics among us just snicker.  (honest, I have no idea why)

    that leave "Large Collider"... and that's pretty scarey.

    picture two big things hitting each other....

    Why are scientists doing this?  Is it a Volvo crash test ad?

    (more snickers from the dyslexics)

    I think there is little to fear, but perhaps I should write a book about how doomsday is coming?  I bet it will sell.

  4. As Detry said... I presume you are talking about the Large Hadron Collider in Cern.

    If your question is "the end of the world"... there's an idiot born every day.  It's why Nigerian scams abound and why eMail hoaxes are so prevalent.  Really people... get a grip!

    As for "what's up"... it's an experiment whereby one possible outcome is the creation (for a split-nanosecond of time) of a "black hole".  What they are trying to recreate is a few seconds after the Big Bang.  At any rate, it should bring us a step closer to understanding the universe in general and physics in particular.

  5. it spooks me a little bit. they are going to create a black hole here on earth. it could suck the whole planet into it and we would end up somewhere else.

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