
Whats up with the NON-FOOTBALL RELATED QUESTIONS on here?

by  |  earlier

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i see questions about uranobhead whatever his name is

its all i see

when will some people grow up???




  1. And this question is football related, I suppose.

    If it's not your business, perhaps don't stick your nose there.

    As long as you have uranobhead and users who don't show respect to other users, this site will be filled with nobheads.

  2. its to do with giggs hes drunk ranting away again cause he hates me instead of just leaving me alone he has to come out with all that filth but as usual everyone is terrified of saying anything to him except me and the only reason he hates me is cause i stood up to him when this was a united forum and hes not leader of the gang no more

  3. like everything els

  4. please i've asked giggs to explain

    last night and today were such good fun on here.

    (i'm bored , off work after op) and tonight its just ranting and rudeness.

    if someone is really threatening someone, then of course something must be done. but this is getting ridiculous.

    is the below answer correct ?

    just found out why from deano on another question. the answer is to ignore both of them although one seems worse than the other and just stick with the football.

  5. Its that giggs guy

    What the h**l is his problem?

    If he want to p*** around shouting at other users then maybe he should come up to Liverpool and get his @ss kicked

    p.s to make my answer footy related i best add that he's only doing this because he's a dirty manc

  6. Its pathetic isnt it the whole section has gone to the dogs  

  7. this is a non football reletated question  

  8. the sad part is all the good people that used to be on the forum aren't here any mroe and instead we get these morons.

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