
Whats up with the blatant racism in this section?

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Anyone else getting kind of tired of the posters who put up these lawn jockey-esque avatars, and keep calling Obama ghetto, his wife a gorilla, and all sorts of other nonsensical racist terms?

I mean I can't believe there are people left like that in this country. They do everything to prove my opinion of low class Republicans correct, as ignorant red necks.





  1. Please be careful of stereotypes as well.   The term 'red neck' brings about a stereotype of rural and poorly educated, and many of the racists may just as easily be urban (or suburban) and have some sort of degree.  (Intelligence and sense aren't quite the same thing, and some people have one but lack the other.

    There are actually a number of people living in rural areas who are good, honest people and really not any more prejudiced than anyone else.

    Many of these people I would classify as "troglodyte" from the flame warriors classification (below).  I find the accompanying description rather apt:

    "Troglodyte seems to have emerged from the mists of time untouched by human evolution. Devoid of a single progressive idea and lacking the slightest awareness of social and cultural advances, Troglodyte has developed an incoherent political philosophy that he characterizes as "conservative" or "libertarian", but which could be more accurately described as "bigoted narcissism"."

    Conservative leaders such as Rove and Huckabee (second and third links)  have warned against such tactics, as they do demean the Republican party and hurt their public image.  Of course they aren't helped by the fact that the rants of shrill individuals like Ann Coulter and Bill Riley get more attention than the well thought out opinions of George Will or Peggy Noonan.

    In short though, I think the congregation of trolls here is that they have safety in semi-anonymity.   While they might get ostracized in real life for spouting their hate (another reason they rant against so-called political correctness - not because they aren't allowed to rant, but because they don't like the fact that most of sane society thinks their ideas to be abhorrent), they can do so here is relative safety.

    If it's consolation, I doubt their numbers in real life are even close to the amount of bluster they pour out.  Just remember though - these people are not all poor nor rural ("rednecks", many are city dwellers, inheritors of wealth who were born on third and swear they hit a triple, Ferengi wannabes (poor to middle class, but willing to be exploited in the hopes that they will someday be able to exploit others) and so on...

  2. The annonymity it allows.

  3. Its pretty bad


    its amazing how brave some people are when they are totally anonamous  and locked in thier homes on a computer communicating under an alias.

    I wouldnt worry though rasists are a fairly stupid bunch if you encounter one btrave enough to say somthing to you in person . throw a coin or somthing silver.  He will become distracted by the shineyness giving you time to slip away

  4. Obama is blatant racism every day of the week. 24/7/365.

  5. I grew up when racial problems were real bad. I don't think that people that have lawn jockeys in their yard mean anything by it. You will never eliminate racism or educate everyone on why it is wrong. Set a good example yourself and just know that it is better and always getting better. When you hear someone make a racial remark, tell them that it is far from acceptable anymore and not appreciated. For the most part you will find the person that said it is very uneducated and carries a chip on his or her shoulder. If your black and call your friend "******" it offends others that hear it. It is not just whites that are racists, sadly some times we do a lot of it to ourselves. One of the most respected people in the US is Bill Cosby and he tells us all what we need to do. Educate your self and others and act in a way that you will aways be proud of. If you say to yourself "OOPS, did I say that out loud?" you probably should not have said it so don't make the same mystake twice. We all have to do our part to make it better. Thirty years ago you would never have seen a black man run for president. It makes me proud to see how far he has gotten.  Calling people rednecks or low class republicans won't help. All that does is fuel the fire. Show those people that you are better than them by setting the right example. I have no doubt you are.

  6. I would point out that there are plenty of individuals who will put false front questions on these boards in order to make the other side appear ignorant and disgusting.  I presume many of these comments are not real.  I do have a relatively unique position as the white father of two adopted biracial children.  I get to experience racism from both sides and the "you can't raise them black" racism beats the "why would you adopt black children" racism by a huge margin.  

    If you don't understand that, let me make it plain the liberal racism is nastier, meaner and far more prevalent than the conservative racism which is confused and looking for meaning.  This is my personal experience with racism.  By the way, we live in the South and my spouse is white as well so I have had experience with the "ignorant red necks" who tend to treat my children as just another couple of kids.  The only difficulty I have had is with those who suggest that I am commiting genocide by raising a child who has some racial characteristics that I don't share.

    So, to sum up.  

    1.  Racism is not confined to one political party or one political philosophy.  

    2.  Trolls exist on the Internet and they will purposefully misstate their position in order to make the opposing viewpoint look primitive and unthinking.

    3.  Generalizations are inherently inappropriate when talking about individual thoughts.

    Just my opinion as another of those "low class Republican, ignorant red necks".  I apologize for the angry response but I am tired of being prejudged by folks because of where I live and the color of my skin.  Racism does cut both ways.

  7. First, you have made a generalization of all Republicans.  I would never clump you with the ignorant liberals out there that want to be taxed to death to distribute the wealth.  Are you one of those?  Not ALL Democrats are for Obama (thank goodness).  This man is dangerous to the United States.  Personally no one has anything against his family, they have put themselves in the line of fire. Unfortunately, human nature has created some mean ppl that will say anything.  Our society is in the gutter.

  8. There's every type of person left in this country. Did you think racism was over or something? Ha.


    JULY 12th







  10. Huh?  So far, I've seen posts about how whites get nepotism...  this was posted by someone (I suspect is "of color" and) who is clearly a democrat.  Questions for you if I may be so bold, Lincoln: Democrat or Republican?

    The founders of the KKK: Democrat or Republican?

    In 1957, President Eisenhower called upon congress for a Civil Rights Bill.  Sen.s Johnson and Kennedy (both Democrats): For or Against Civil Rights?

    Civil Rights Bill of 1964, which party filabustered against it:  Democrat or Republican?

    1972 Presidential hopeful George Wallace, campaigned on a platform of "No More DESEGREGATION!"  Was he a: Democrat or Republican?

  11. When you use stereotypes to make a point about discrimination and racism you appear biased yourself and loose any credibility at that point

  12. It only shows their intellect as trailer trash and Bush life style. It is best to ignore them.

  13. I think the south is FULL of these people, especailly Texans

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