ok, so im completely ignorant as to what, where and why. dont judge me for it. i was born in detroit michigan usa and my parents are from mexico so yeah...no clue what goes on there. that's why im here askin this question. maybe ive just misunderstood...here's my story...
i have a friend who lives in majorca. (yeah, internet) well...he sent me some songs by els pets simply so i could listen to the pronunciation an stuff. well i liked em a lot an was wondering if i could buy some cds. i found productesdelaterra.cat an was lookin at some shirts there with sayings like "not free zone", "make no mistake, im catalan therefore im not spanish" and "jo tinc deus seleccions, catalunya i qual se vol que jugui contra espanya" (im no expert so pardon any mispelled or bad grammar, this is mostly by memory). also ive heard about how spain kinda disrespects catalunya? or somethin...i dunno....so...whats up? someone please explain without gettin angered or offended by my ignorance...=) =D XD