Should we believe that this delicate amino acid based life lasted 250 million years or would it be more congruent to more carefully scrutinize the subjective nature of rock layer dating.
Should we believe that dinosaur soft tissue still flexible and spongy, with blood cells in it could remain for over 65 million years or would it, with the thousands of examples of dinosaur (they called um dragons) art, sculptures, pottery, and written records in almost every ancient culture, assume that dinosaurs lived not so long ago but (as we have seen) extinction took its toll. Also this would again call into question the subjective nature of rock dating.
By subjective nature I mean, If I brought you a chunk of sedimentary rock (supposedly) from the cambrian layer, and I also brought you a chunk from the Jurassic layer, and I brought you a chunk from very recent, Would you be able to tell me the difference or would you need to know what fossils were associated with it so that you could bring in circular reasoning to assist in all aspects of dating it.