
Whats up with this guy? long but PLEASE READ.

by  |  earlier

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im 16.there is this guy at my school,he is super popular,seems outgoing,etc. i am very shy and weird when it comes to a guy i like. over 2 years ago when i was a sophomore we did one quick project together in class with me him and some other guy. i didn't really like him but after that i would notice him staring at me all the time but i ignored it and i still do. i started liking him and i have never liked a guy so much. long story but i have caught him staring at me dozens of times, even when i am nowhere near him, he stares at me as i am walking,as i have gone up stairs,as i am driving(stared at me over 30 seconds while i was in my car),watchd me have conversations with people, time i was walking behind him and he turned around to see where his friend was and i noticed that he improved his posture when he noticed i was behind him(dont know if this means anything) i am not watching for him and usually just catch him looking at me. every time i see him looking i pretend i am not even looking at him and ignore it but i can see usually out of the side of my eyes because he stares SO INTENTLY AT ME. i am confused as to if he likes me and if staring means that he likes me why is he so relentless? HE HAS done this for over 2 years now and i am shocked he has not given up on staring ? is he waiting for me to look at him so he knows its ok to approach?i like him. i am so confused.i am really scared as to whether i will have any classes with him this year..i really want to have classes with him and i dont know what i will do if i dont. any advice?




  1. make eye contact and smile at him :) if he approaches you, then i guess you'll find out what he has to say...

  2. im soo sorry, i have nothing to say bout your prob...but ...hes a STALKER XD done

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