
Whats ur fave magazine? and why?

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Whats ur fave magazine? and why?




  1. Kerrang becuase it has all my afve bands it such as Mcr and Panic at the disco yay!

    I also like Fabolous

  2. Seventeen! Great pages & pretty cool text. Gave me tons of advice

  3. J-14

    I love it cuz its for teens and has everything from celebrities to Fashion

  4. Fangoria! I love horror movies and it's been going on since 1979!

  5. my have magazine is Seventeeen because that's the only one I read and it has really good tips in it.

  6. hmmm..probably bop and tigerbeat

    they have the best jb posters ever!!


  7. cosmopolitan because it has some pretty hott tips hehe

  8. cosmo girl!!  its awesome

  9. "SEKAI no UDEDOKEI", because it has great coverage of its subject. I have magazines in several languages, but the the ones in English, French, German and Chinese are not as good as this Japanese magazine.

  10. M, ummm... J14, Twist

    mostly M though


    they are pretty fun 2 read

    u learn alot

    they are pretty funny 2

    in M magazine they have these like, embarrasing stories and stuff and theyre hilarious

  11. XXL, king

  12. I like Seventeen and Cosmopolitan.

    Just because they always have new stuff in their issues and its not like teen magazines were everything is always the same.

    Also, they have alot of hair tips, fashion advice, stuff like that.

  13. J-14!!! it is soo cool! lol

  14. seventeen....good advice and style

  15. Uk mags..






    Top Of The Pops


    It's All About Soap


    Inside Soap

    What's On TV

    i love em coz there's like evrythng!

  16. Teen Vouge.... Ummmmm it is really good for teens and pre-teens to read.

  17. Cosmo girl! and People

  18. playboy because its got highclass naked ladies in it

  19. Cosmo Girl and Seventeen because they have good advice and fashion, beaity tips.

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